Chap.10=Back to School :(

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Picture of Bridgett^

"Omigosh isnt that the girl from the party?"

"Look, its Daniel's new bitch!"

"Whoa! Look its her!"

"Damn, Princess."

My face gets extremely hot from all the attention Im getting just from walking through the door. I never thought anyone could really notice me. This "change" has well...changed...everything.

I lift the straps of my bookbag higher on my shoulders and continue through the hallways of Lakeshire High. I cant really dogde the many students either gawking, glaring, or checking me out. What would you do in moments like this?

I know in cliche books or movies the popular kids with all the attention would walk the hallways with their head held high, not giving two cents about the other students. They left the other kids in their dust and they never thought twice about it. Now that I think of it, they would totally bash out anyone else who wasnt "on their level" or "worth their time". I would never do that though because I spent my whole life as one of those kids who gets left out and treating like they dont mean anything. It hurts and even though Im getting this crazy attention, I will never get big headed and treat others wrongly.

I was taken out of my reverie when someone bumped me from behind and sent me falling forward. That is, until someone caught me before I hit the ground. I looked up to be met by emerald eyes and deep red hair. It was Lenny, a guy from my science class. He was also my biology partner a few times, he is quite geeky if you ask me, but he is also fairly nice.

"Thank you." I stood up straight and brushed off my clothes. Lenny just gave me an awkward head nod and rushed off. What was that about?

Suddenly, I noticed that it had gotten pretty quiet through this whole incident. Looking around, I see that everyone is silent as they look at me. What? They have never seen someone almost fall before? Speaking of that fall...who pushed me??? I spin around to see Bridgett and her little crew standing behind her. Ooohh, thats why everyone got quiet. Heh. Shit.

"You know, you can try and dress different and act different and do whatever the hell you think you are doing with Daniel, but you are still a looser and you always will be." Bridgett spoke with venom in her tone and it made me even more annoyed by her high pitched voice and her dumbass self thinkin' that she can hurt me with her words. It doesnt do ish honestly. I mean is looser all you got???

It was dead ass silent now and I bit my lip as I realized that I said that all out loud.

"Did....did you just say that?!" Steam is just rolling out this bitch's ears.

She gasped. Oh my freakin' gosh, Toreign quit saying stuff out loud!!!

Before I knew it, Bridgett swung her fist out at me but I dodged it just in time to push her back. She stumbled a bit before backing up into a locker. This ends right here, right now!

"Im done with your bullying Bridgett. I never did shit to you and you hurt me every freakin' day! Well, not anymore! So you listen up and listen up carefully....." I looked her deep in the eyes and smirked at her scared expression. "You will not talk to me nor will you touch me. You will not even look at me you bitch! No more will you humiliate and pain me or I swear on my eyes that you will pay. Got it?!"

She rolled her eyes and that little gesture got me so worked up, I didnt even hesitate when my hand swung out and slapped her across the face. Everyone gasped around us and as I looked around at the crowd, I saw Joey and Ivory standing near each other. Both of them had an unreadible facial expression. I turned back to Bridgett to see a red hand marking on the side of her face and a suttle tear strolling down. But, I had no pity on her whatsoever.

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