Chap.9=I Am So Dead

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"Please officer!!! Let me out!!! I wasnt even at that party foreal!!!......okay maybe I was but I didnt drink or anything!!! Okay maybe I did, but only a little!!! Okay maybe a little bit more than a little!" I yanked on the steel bars of our holding cell while my mouth just kept rambling on and on.

We were currently at the police station around the corner from where I work at Callie's Cafe. I was stressing out and it didn't help that they placed us in this small ass cell. I was also scared at the fact that we had to call all of our parents and my mom sounded pissed the freak off. I couldn't blame her though, she already has a daughter that gets in alot of trouble, she cant deal with another one.

"Reign! Calm down and chill!" Kel walked over towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"I cant chill Kel!!!" I shook his hand off and began yanking again.

Officer Jones sat at his desk which was right across from our holding cell. He drank a Starbuck's frapp and flipped through pages on some cop magazine. It was annoying me how carefree he was and how he was clearly ignoring me right now.

"Pleeeaassee let me go!!!! Let me gooo!!!" I slid down slowly on the bars until I was down on my knees and I whined dramatically. "I wanna go hooommee!!!"

Officer Jones didnt even pay me any mind. I laughed crazily at my whining as it reminded me of Spongebob. Kel, Rach, Ivory, and Joey were all looking at me like I was a lunatic at how much I was laughing.

"I WANNA GO HOOOOOOOOME!!!" I giggled some more. "I WANNA GO HOO-"

"Shut up! Quiet Toriegn before you get us in worse trouble for tormenting the ears out of every human being in range!" Kel lifted me over his shoulder to shut me up and I just banged my small fists against his back.

"Let me goooo!"

"Fine. Fine." He carried me over towards the bunk beds that were set over in the corner and chucked me down onto the bottom bunk.

I didnt feel like moving or shouting anymore so I laid sprawled out on the musty bed with my eyes closed. You see, Im quite claustrophobic so if I opened my eyes and looked at the tiny ass cell along with all of us stuffed in it, I would go insane. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

"Just calm down Reign." I popped one eye open like a cat, to see Ivory kneeling down next to me.

"Calm down?! Calm down?! How can I calm down?! I had too many shots, I kissed Daniel fricken Barris, Im locked in a freakin' holding cell which is small as hell by the way, and...oh yeah! My mom is going to kill me!"

Ive only been to the police station once and that was to pick up Becca one time when she decided to shoplift at the nearby mall. I never thought I would ever come back here, let alone actually be held in a cell!

"Your mom is gonna kill you?! My mom and dad will kill me! Reign, they dont even let me out the house unless its to be with a close friend or family member or to go to school! Imagine what they will do when they find out I went to a frickin house party!!!" Ivory's face was red and I could tell that she was tired by the bags that were forming under her eyes.

She was exhausted, we all were...well, exept for Kel and Rachel. Im pretty sure they have been here quite a few times by how mello they are with all of this.

"JOSEPH HENRY CARTER!!!!" Joey's mom marched in angrily.

I watched as her petite figure literally flew through the door and stood in front of our cell bars. Her face was red and her hands were placed at her hip. Joey's face flushed and he hopped down from the top bunk to slowly make his way over to her.

"Oh dear Lord," I heard him mutter.

I felt like putting three fingers up like in Hunger Games and whistling but then I remembered....I cant whistle.

Poor Joey.

Psshh. Poor Joey?!?! Poor me!!! Poor Ivory!!!

Officer Jones let Joey out the cell and Joey's mom snatched onto Joey's ear as she dragged him out.

The room was filled with a chorus of Joey's "ow...ow....ow...ow".

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again. I was just hoping and praying that my mom didn't show up yet. I just wasnt ready to face her.

"Toriegn....." My mom's angelic voice filled my ears just a half hour later. It was filled with both confusion and hurt and embarrassment all at the same time.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. My mom looked uncomfortable as she stood there clutching to her purse tightly and averting her eyes this way and that. Becca stood behind her smirking and checking out Kel who was standing behind me.

"Uhm...." I smiled sheepishly but nobody smiled back. I turned to a worried Ivory and let out a shaky breath,"You gonna be alright Ives?"

She shook her head slowly without saying anything.

"Okay.....I'll text you."

"No, she will see you tomorow Ivory, she no longer has a phone for a week." My mother said sternly. Rebecca snickered.

I waltzed out the cell and followed my mom and sister out to the car. No one breathed a word the whole ride back to the house. All you heard was the steady music on the radio.



I shuffled down the stairs now clean and showered and in my pj's. My mother sat peacefully in her comfy chair as I sat on the sofa near her. Here goes.

"Care to explain to me why you of all people was caught at a house party.....drinking might I add." I pursed my lips at my mothers question.

"Technically I wasnt caught drinking-"


"Im sorry mother. Its just....I never have fun, I never party and spend time with friends. I just wanted a little fun is all." I chewed my bottom lip.

"On a school night?! And I thought you were suppose to be spending the weekend with Ivory and her friend not partying!!!"

I stared down at my hands. Im not used to being scolded and in trouble.

"Go up to your room and make sure you are set for school, which starts tomorow. By the way! Clearly you didnt know!!!" My mom lifted up and marched off towards her room.

She was pissed and dissapointed, I could tell. Shit.

Yeah I want to change and all, but that doesnt mean I want to get in trouble like this. Hopefully, I can gain back my mom's trust.

This is not how this was suppose to turn out.

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