Chap.1= Ill Prove It!

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*Picture of Toriegn^*

"Oh look who it is! The little looser!" Bridgett's squeaky voice exclaimed from the top of the bleachers.

Just hearing her voice made me cringe. I locked eyes with Joey who was sitting beside me and shot him a worried look. He shot me one back and glanced up at Bridgett's tall figure as she came hopping down the bleachers. A lot of the highschool student body had came to the Beginning of the Year Lakeshire Highschool Pep-Rally. I was trying to avoid Bridgett or any of my bullies for that matter. I tried to get up and take off before her torturing began but a hand pulled me back down. I looked over at Mason who had literally appeared out of no where. He gave me an assuring smile and turn to the princess meany herself.

"Ugh, Bridgett. Bridgett, Bridgett, Bridgett." I couldnt stand him repeating her name so much. I scrunched up my face which only made Mason laugh and caused Bridgett to eye me angrily. "Why must you be such a....whats the word?"

He glanced at me for a descriptive word to use. Uhmm, let me think. Bully. Meany. Asshole. Bitch. Ever since the nineth grade she picked on me for no reason. I never said anything to her, heck I never even glanced her way, but all she ever did was push me around, beat me up, and constantly call me names. I was a senior now and after almost four years of her abuse my self confidence has been flushed down the toilet. Literally.

Mason had turned back to her with a wide smirk that had Bridgett mad as hell. "Oh, I got it. Heh, why must you be such a bitch to my dear friend Toreign here?"

I snorted at her steaming face. It made her look like an angry bull that got their ass chopped off. Now that...thats gruesome, the outcome of who ever was with that bull of course. I shriveled as I thought...omigosh that person with the bull was me. I looked up at her red face as she shoved me with all her might.

I was very light and quite skinny. Plus Im extremely clumsy so this shove set me off balance and tumbling down the bleachers. I swear I knocked at least 20 people upside the head with my body. Mason and Joey looked at me with shocked faces as I just kept rolling and rolling. Finally I hit the bottom of the bleachers where the railing stopped me from tumbling down a whole nother level. I tried to regain my balance but kept topling back over.

The pain of it all automatically surged through me and I shreiked when my back all of a sudden felt like a boulder landed on it. And as if things couldnt get any worse, my stomach began churning and this would not end pretty AT ALL.

This reminded me of the last time I came to one of those highschool football games. My dad had taken me and my little sister Rebecca. He let us get whateer snacks we wanted and of course I took up on his offer. I had two hotdogs, nachos, three slushes, and a container of fries, and let me tell you, after screaming and cheering and jumping around for the players, the people sitting in front of us did not enjoy the last parts of the game. Not at all.

I rolled around clutching my stomach and trying to remain calm and collected. Ugh. I hated Bridgett. She always had to pick on me. Why me? Then the worst thing possible happened. Daniel Barris, the hottest most sexiest bad boy in our school walked right up to me. He had a cute concerned look on his face mixed in with a humored smirk. He thought this was funny?! Oh what am I saying, if I saw myself rolling down the bleachers I problably would be laughing my ass off right now.

"Umm, are you, ya know, okay?" His voice was so aahh. And his looks were so aaahhh. Calm down Reign, focus. Your in pain.

"N-no,"I grumbled. "Not exactly."

I hadnt noticed the group of people that had surrounded me until now. I saw Mason and Joey headed my way as well. A little late guys, a little late. Daniel wrapped an arm around my waist and helped pull me up. I smiled at him gratefully while fangirling in my head at the fact that he was touching me. Daniel Barris was touching me! I think thats at least 100 cool points going to who? Mwah, hehe. Yaaass.

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