Chap.8=Final Stop: Partay Pt.2

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Important Small Author's Note:

(Dont skip pwease)

Guys, I so sawry! I had to go visit my great granddad for a few days and he quite frankly doesnt have wifi, so I couldnt do my Friday update. So here it is, and I will also give an early update after this chapter as well as a regular Friday update. Your welcome and Im so sorry!

Also, I know I have very few readers and Im so thankful to all of you! I love you so much!!! If you could plz comment something, like it could even be "hi" for all I care lol, I will randomly choose one of you and give you a shoutout. Hell, I will give a shoutout to almost all of you really.

But yeah thats all. Enjoy this chappy. cx


"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Mason slow down!!!" Ivory gripped on so tightly to the back of Mason's seat that her knuckles were turning white.

I clutched on to my bag and was holding on to Joey's arm for dear life.

"Hun, your cutting off my circulation," Joey tried swatting off my death grip on his arm. I just laughed uneasily.

"No can do Joey, if I let go, I think Ill die." Joey scrunched up his face and turned to Rachel who was struggling back there in the trunk.

"You aight back there Rach?" Rachel just gave a scorching glare to Joey before tumbling over a bunch of bags back there as Mason drove under some unsteady pavement.

"You guys! I have to make sure we are on time for the party!" Mason shouted back at us.

"Its still late morning, we got our belongings and our party outfits, I think we will be fine!" Rachel gripped onto our seats to heave herself back into a sitting position.

"We are quite a ways from home!!! I know what I am doing, okay?!? Im Mason frickin Ryder, I got this!!!!" We all rolled our eyes simultaneously.

"Can you at least slow down a bit! We are gonna get a speeding frickin ticket!!!" I saw Mason just smirk in the rearview mirror as he sped up faster.

"We will be fine!!!" Mason tried to reassure me. I just sighed and held my breath.

Even Kel, who was sitting in the passenger seat looked freaked out. "Dude, please?!?"

Mason turned up the music to block out our whining as he kept driving along.


I slowly opened my eyes as the car began to slow down and stop. I dont know how I fell asleep throughout all that chaos but I found a way. Mason took the key out of the ignition and grinned like a lunatic at all of us. We all just returned a blank stare.

"We are heeerree!" He sang out before opening up his door and hopping out.

The rest of us sighed and stretched out before following suit. For some reason we were pulled up into the driveway of a small brick home. It had flowers and bushes surrounding the front yard and it smelled of...mothballs.

"Umm, where are we?" Ivory grabbed her stuff and gazed at the house.

"My Nana's place. Now, no more questions. Grab your stuff and lets go." Mason didnt seem like fun and games anymore, he was back to the leader guy with the schedule and all that good stuff.

We walked up the wide concrete path and stayed put as Mason knocked on the door. It took about five minutes before a short plump woman with silver brown curly hair and a broad smile opened the door. She looked fairly young to be Masom's grandmother and she was very pretty.

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