Chapter 13 - Arrival At U.S.J.

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"Everyone!! I propose that we leave it up to a vote!" Iida's voice sliced through the others, successfully silencing the previous chaos.

What happened just moments prior was Class 1-A's homeroom teacher, Katawa shoujo- shit um Aizawa Shota, making them believe that they were receiving something like the Quirk Apprehension Test. Really it was just finding out the class representatives so chaos ensued as everyone except the obvious shouted to be picked.

"We don't know that much about each other to vote, though, ribbit." Asui Tsuyu stated as a counterpoint to engineman's suggestion. "Wouldn't everyone just vote for themselves, anyway?" Kirishima added questioningly. "Those are both exactly why whoever gets more votes deserves the position." Iida then turns to the already falling asleep teacher, "Do you approve of this, Mr. Aizawa?" He gets a deadpan response, "Do whatever you want. Just decide before homeroom ends."

The votes were collected and tallied, then written on the board for all to see.

Izuku - 3
Mikumo - 3
Everyone else - 1 each

'Oh...' both twins thought.

The duo of Midotanis stand in front of the class, one visibly more shook than the other.
"U-u-um I-I not s-sure if this is g-good..." "Me neither, but you can't be that bad as class pres, right..?" The class watched as Kumo put a slightly shaky hand on Izu's shoulder, "We're fine..."

During lunch Izu had his face against the table and Kumo was to the right of him, staring off into nothing. Iida sat to the left of Izu, and on the left most side of the table, and Kirishima on the right of Kumo. On the other side of the table from Iida sat Uraraka, to her left sat Asui then Mina then Kaminari. To Kaminari's left sat Sero, and on the complete opposite end of the table sat a Pomeranian, same side as Kirishima.

"Um... guys, are you ok?" A worried Kirishima shot for the third time that period. This time an answer came from Kumo, "We've never been put in the spotlight like this before." Then Izu lifts his head up, "Who even voted for us?"
"Well that's easy, I voted for Deku." Uraraka says while waving a hand dismissively. Kirishima chimes in, "I voted for Yami-kun." Mina nods, "Me too." Iida responds with whom he voted, "I also voted for Deku-kun, as from experience he is a very smart person and is also strong enough to lead the class." "You guys just voted for yourselves then, right?" Kaminari asked the twins. "No, I voted for Izu/Kumo." "Of course." Sero sighed at the twins behavior

"Who did you two vote for, then?" Mina questions Kaminari and Sero. The former's cheeks become a tint of pink as the latter answers with, "Myself, obviously." Everyone except Bakugō look at the blond teen, which just makes him slightly more flustered. "Um, I voted for someone else and its confidential." The electricity user pushes out. "Oooo I gotta know no—" suddenly an alarm sounds through the school, a code red.

The freshman are rather confused, so Iida grabs a senior that was running past, "Excuse me, what does this mean?" "It means that someone's gotten past the security, this hasn't happened at all since I got here!" The senior runs off again.

The group gets up from their table with a sudden wave of anxiety and get swept into the crowd in the process. The Midotani's keep a hold of eachother in the sea of chaos, and get rewarded by being pushed into the windows. Izuku looks out the window, his panicked eyes losing their panics as he realizes how much of a non danger this is. "Kumo, its just the media..." Mikumo looks out the window, ditching the idea of forcing his way through the crowd. "Well isn't this messes up. How'd they get in?" "Well one of them most likely used their quirk in a fit of desperation. Sometimes reporters disgust me..." Mikumo nods and looks back out into the crowd. He spots Iida with a scared Uraraka and wide eyed Yaoyorozu. "Izu, I'm going to inform our friends, stay here." Mikumo didn't need to add that last part, but he did. He unfolds his body and shoots himself over the stampede and latches himself against Iida.

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