Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

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Genre: Yaoi, dark, love&hate, kidnap

Ship: Jin Ling x Shizui


More than 16 years have passed since the SunShot campaign and the incident with Wei Wu Xian. Wars and fights over power have died down due to the collaboration of Gusu Lan Clan and Yunmeng Jiang clan; the other sects have been peaceful and minding their own businesses. Han GuangJun had become a sect cultivator with Wei Wu Xian by his side, Jiang Wanyin has been busy with training new disciples and Zewu-jun had gone into seclusion within Gusu.

Jing Ling who is always accompanied by Fairy, Shizui and Jingyi had left on a night hunt not long after bidding farewell to their family and sects. The reason for traveling so far was due to Fairy barking non-stop at a certain direction hence the 3 of them decided to go ad check it out first.

Throughout the journey, Shizui was being more quiet than usual. Such dark, gloomy and dull eyes that speak endless. Gripping his sword tightly as he gritted his teeth together by the sound of Jin Ling and Jingyi arguing left and right.

"Shizui! Are you listening to what we are saying?!" Ji Ling's voiced suddenly snapped him back.

"Shizui, are you okay? Not feeling well again?" Jingyi asked with a worried tone.

"Oh- I am alright. Sorry Young Master Jin, you were saying?" Shizui replied back kindly with a smile.

The two looked at each other than back at Shizui with an either questioning look or just genuinely worried.

"I said that we should find a place to stay soon. It's getting dark." Jin Ling replied back.

"Wait- you didn't say tha- ouch!" Jingyi was about to finish his sentence as Jin Ling stomped onto his foot and crossed his arms.

"Alright, shall we go find an inn or something?" Shizui suggested as he gave a slight laugh at the two.

Jin Ling and Jingyi nodded as they followed Shizui into the next town to find an inn and settle down for the night. They all agreed to grab separate rooms to sleep in and will gather at the front of the inn early in the morning, hence went separate ways to their room. Later that night, Shizui left the inn and headed out into a forest not far from the town when everyone was asleep.

The next morning came, Jin Ling and Jingyi found themselves waiting a long while for Shizui but he never came down. They both got worried and ran back up to check on him but shockingly when they entered, his room was empty and his bed was never touched. Panicked and confused, they both ran back down to go look for Shizui around town; but they couldn't. There were literally no traces of him at all.

Not long after, Fairy started barking madly once again and ran into the direction of the forest with Jing Ling and Jingyi running after it. Not long after they entered the forest it started to become misty, unable to see ahead of them, they both held their swords tightly in-case of an attack.

With a shadow running past Jin Ling, the young master chased it without even thinking. After losing sight of the shadow, he realised that he was now separated from Fairy and Jingyi.

"Fairy! Jingyi! Where are you?!" He yelled hoping to get across to them.

"Didn't anyone tell you not to yell when in a fog, it reveals your location." A mysterious yet familiar voiced echoed from the shadows.

"Who are you?! Why don't you come out and face me like a real man!" Jin Ling and his short temper snapped back.

"Under this situation and you can still be brave Jin Ling? Sect Leader Jiang sure trained you well." They replied once again.

"How do you know me?! Just who are you?!" Jin Ling panicked since it's more dangerous when your opponent knows you but you know nothing of them.

"How do I know you? That's simple. Because you know me too." They answered as they emerged from the shadows.

Jin Ling standing there in utter fear and shock looked at the man before him as he fell to his feet. It was Shizui, but this was not the Shizui that he knew from Gusu Lan. Shizui was wearing clothes from the Wen Sect along with Wen Sect disciples behind him.


End of Chapter one. Chapter 2 will be uploaded soon!

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