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Mahir Sehgal was on his way home, the events of the day replaying in his mind. Suddenly, a thought struck him. When he had placed Bela's things in her bag, he noticed her laptop was on and she had been checking Facebook. He remembered seeing her profile and without wasting a moment, he pulled out his mobile and searched for her Facebook ID.

The screen lit up with search results, and there it was—Bela Sharma's profile. He clicked on it, quickly scrolling through her posts until he found a mention of her elder sister. With a sense of urgency, he navigated to her sister’s profile and sent a message explaining who he was and why he needed Bela's number.

To his relief, her sister was online and responded almost immediately. "This is Bela's number. Is everything alright?" she asked, concern evident in her reply.

Mahir felt a rush of gratitude towards Facebook for the first time in his life. "Thank you so much. I'll explain everything later."

With Bela's number now in his phone, Mahir didn't waste another second. He dialed her number, his heart pounding as the phone rang.

On the other end, Bela was sitting in the lobby of the new hotel she had found, her nerves still raw from the earlier ordeal. Her phone rang, and she saw an unknown number. Tentatively, she answered, "Hello?"

"Bela, it's Mahir," came the familiar voice, filled with concern.

Bela’s eyes widened, tears of relief spilling over. "Mahir! Oh my God, I can't believe it's you!" she cried out, her voice trembling with emotion. "You won't believe what happened to me."

Mahir’s heart tightened as he listened to her recount the terrifying experience at the hostel. "Bela, I am so sorry you had to go through that. Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"I'm at a hotel now," she sniffled, trying to compose herself. "It's better here, but I'm still shaken."

"Stay right where you are," Mahir said firmly. "I'll come to you immediately. Just send me the address."

Bela nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "I will. Thank you, Mahir."

After she sent the hotel address, Mahir instructed the taxi driver to change course. His mind raced with thoughts of Bela's ordeal, and he couldn't shake the anger he felt towards those men and the initial disbelief of the police. He vowed to make sure Bela felt safe and supported in this daunting city.

The taxi weaved through the bustling streets of Mumbai, each turn bringing him closer to Bela. Finally, they arrived at the hotel. Mahir paid the driver and hurried inside, scanning the lobby until his eyes found Bela sitting alone, her face pale but relieved when she saw him.

"Bela!" he called out, rushing to her side.

Bela stood up, and without a moment's hesitation, she ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thank you for coming, Mahir. I was so scared."

Mahir held her close, feeling her tremble in his arms. "I'm here now, Bela. You're safe. We'll figure everything out together."

They sat down, and Mahir ordered some tea to help calm her nerves. As they sipped their drinks, Bela recounted everything in more detail, while Mahir listened attentively, his face a mix of concern and determination.

"We'll find you a better place to stay," Mahir assured her. "And I won't leave until you're settled and feel secure. You're not alone here."

Bela nodded, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, Mahir. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Mahir smiled gently. "We're friends, Bela. And friends look out for each other. Now, let's get you settled properly so you can focus on your new job. Mumbai may have given you a rough start, but we'll make sure it gets better from here."

With Mahir by her side, Bela felt a renewed sense of hope. The city of dreams had tested her resilience, but with newfound friends and unwavering support, she was ready to face whatever came next.


As the taxi pulled up to a small, elegant building, Bela Sharma's eyes widened in surprise. She had expected Mahir to take her to another hotel, not to his home. The building was charming and well-kept, with a small garden area that greeted them at the entrance.

"Is this your place?" Bela asked, her voice tinged with astonishment.

Mahir nodded with a proud smile. "Yes, it is. Bought with my own blood and sweat. Welcome to my humble abode."

Bela's eyes roved over the exterior. The building, though modest in size, exuded a warmth and beauty. The garden area was adorned with blooming flowers of various colors, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. A small, pristine swimming pool reflected the sunlight, adding a touch of serenity.

They walked inside, and Bela was taken aback by the tasteful decor. The living room was spacious, with large windows that allowed natural light to flood the space. Comfortable sofas were arranged around a sleek coffee table, and a large TV was mounted on the wall. The kitchen was modern, with stainless steel appliances and a marble countertop that added a touch of elegance.

"Wow, Mahir, this place is beautiful," Bela exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Thank you," Mahir replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "I wanted a place that felt like home, somewhere I could unwind after a long day."

Bela continued to explore, noticing the three bedrooms and a guest room, each tastefully furnished. The master bedroom had a balcony overlooking the garden and pool, providing a tranquil view.

Then, something else caught her eye—a large, beautifully maintained aquarium in the corner of the living room. The aquarium was a miniature underwater world, filled with vibrant, colorful fish swimming gracefully among carefully placed rocks and plants. Dominating the tank was a majestic goldfish, its scales shimmering like liquid gold in the water.

Bela's face lit up with exhilaration. She walked over to the aquarium, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Hello there," she said, leaning closer to the tank. "Hello, Goldy."

Mahir chuckled as he joined her. "Her name is actually Goldy," he said, smiling at Bela’s excitement.

Bela turned to him with a wide grin. "Really? She’s beautiful. And the aquarium is amazing."

The aquarium was a testament to Mahir’s attention to detail and care. Alongside Goldy, there were small, darting neon tetras, a few elegant angelfish, and a playful clownfish. The plants swayed gently with the current, creating a serene and mesmerizing scene.

"Thanks," Mahir replied, watching her with amusement. "Maintaining the aquarium is one of my favorite hobbies. It's calming to watch the fish."

Bela nodded, still fascinated by the aquarium. "I can see why. It’s like having a piece of the ocean right here in your home."

Mahir smiled warmly. "I'm glad you like it. Make yourself at home, Bela. You can stay here as long as you need. Consider this your safe haven in Mumbai."

Bela felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Mahir. I can't express how much this means to me."

Mahir shrugged modestly. "It's the least I can do. Now, how about we get you settled in and then grab something to eat? You must be exhausted after everything."

Bela nodded, feeling a sense of relief and comfort wash over her. For the first time since arriving in Mumbai, she felt truly safe. "That sounds perfect."

As they continued to talk and settle in, Bela couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, Mumbai was starting to show its kinder side. And with Mahir's support, she felt ready to face whatever came next.


Your writer in tears, she is so cute and he is so caring  😭

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Allah Hafiz ✨

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