Chapter 2

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A drunk and annoyed Vanessa comes bursting through the door.
"Finally," She says in an annoyed tone. When she looks over at me she flashes a cold glare. Great the one time I leave the house and actually do something fun I get into this mess. "Who the fuck is this and what is she doing with you, Logan?" She hissed looking back at Logan with anger clear in her eyes. She obviously knows who I am but decides not to acknowledge it. Jenna introduced me when we got here but she was too drunk to remember my name. I quickly begin walking towards the door, leaving them to snap at each other without me in the middle of it all. Thankfully I'm not stopped or screamed at when I pass Vanessa.
"Chill we were just talking, it's not like I'm even interested in her! She's just like every other girl looking for something they can't have!" He retorts thinking I couldn't hear him. I can't help but be a little hurt that he said I was like every other girl when just a second ago it was flipped he was the one all over me, I even stopped him. I know I just got to know him for about 20 minutes but it still stings. Wait why should I care though? Like I said earlier, my life is complicated with my dad and school right now I don't need him to complicate it even more.
I continue walking down the hall in hopes to find Jenna but instead, I run into Hope and Stella, Vanessa's two 'sidekicks'. I try to walk past them without them noticing but that plan fails when they spot me and quickly walking over to me.
"Hey Sara, if you're looking for Jenna she is a little busy." Stella laughs glancing over at Jenna kissing some random guy in a circle of people.
"We are just about to start another round of beer pong if you wanted to join." Hope suggest with a smile. I give in and decide to play this time since I have to wait for Jenna anyway, I don't even know how to play but I am a little drunk already so it can't hurt. To add to that I am still bothered by Logan's comment about not being interested in me when he clearly was earlier so this will be my distraction.

Logan's P.O.V.
Shit. As soon as I hear her name I know she heard me. Why the fuck did I have to say that so loud? It was mainly honest but I used to.. like her in freshman year. I know it's pathetic but I sometimes would catch her staring at me when she thought I didn't notice but I did, it was cute in a way I guess. I sat next to her in geometry and she would always nudge me when I was dozing off. At first it was a little annoying but she grew on me. It was nice, you know, I realized she could have let me fail but she didn't. She's probably the only reason I passed that class honestly. The door slams shut and pulls me out of my thoughts as Vanessa walks over to me. She climbs on my lap and attempts to kiss me but I move quickly, pushing her off of me.
"What the fuck Logan." She grumbles standing up in front of me.
"What? You seriously think I'm going to do this with you right now?" I say rolling my eyes.
"Why you seemed pretty desperate since you were here with that girl, you were probably trying to get with her when I came in." She accuses me with a grin taking a sip from her cup.
"I wasn't trying to fucking get with her so shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit!" I shout knowing that statement was partly a lie but I'd never actually admit it. Especially not to Vanessa.
"Sure you weren't." She says with a grin, "Let's go play beer pong together with the rest of them." She adds to change the subject.
"Fine." I roll my eyes at her and head out of the room as she follows close behind.

Sara's P.O.V.
"Okay so everyone let's get in teams!" Hope squeals. What team am I supposed to go to? I don't even know the basic rules to this game, I really shouldn't have agreed to play I should've just locked myself in that room again, at least I could read.
"Hey, Sara you should join my team," Blake suggests motioning me to come. When I walk over to the table I realize that I'm right across from Logan of all people. I would move but I don't want to make a huge deal about it. I don't want to show him that I am bothered at all by him, I won't give him that satisfaction. When we start the game I realize that it's a game that uses aim, which is something I don't have. Like At all. I'm definitely going to make my team lose.
When my turn comes I throw the ball and it misses, I hadn't expected much from my throw so the outcome wasn't a surprise. I hide my face in my hand a little embarrassed while Logan throws his ball and of course he gets the ball in a cup, meaning I have to drink this disgusting beer. As I drink it I start regretting playing even more. When I manage to finish all of the beer I start coughing a little too dramatically. Jenna pats on my back and Blake asks if I'm alright but what I'm surprised about is when Logan leaves but quickly comes back with a cup of water in his hand.
"Are you okay?" He asks handing me the water. I am unsure if he is asking that to make fun of me or if he is actually concerned. I mean would someone like him usually be this nice when I was just coughing a little? I know, I know I'm stereotyping him again. When I look up at him, his eyes flashing with worry as my coughing fit continues. He's worried, why? Just a second ago he was saying that I was basically a nobody. I drink the water which helps my cough die down as well as the gross taste of beer. "Are you?" he asks again. I nod taking another sip of the water he gave me.
I'm about to thank him but I hear Vanessa whisper to him as he walks back to the other side of the table. "Why'd you do that?" she whispers she's either too drunk or doesn't care if I hear because I can hear her just fine from over here.
"She was coughing." is all he says, "Yeah but anyone else could have gotten her water." She rolls her eyes. "Well did they? No, I did so drop it." He snaps at her. Woah someone's sure fired up. "Okay, I think you should sit the rest of the round out." Jenna breaks the awkward tension.
"Yeah don't want her to choke again." Vanessa acts as she cares but you can obviously tell that she couldn't care less. Just for that comment I smile at her and thank her for her concern. I decide that I'm going to continue playing but it's only to annoy her. Yeah I know I'm stubborn but she the one being rude to me for no reason.
After about 4 more rounds I've only gotten the ball in one time so I'm now drunk, great, I feel like I'm going to fall over. Jenna is already knocked out on the couch so it doesn't look like we are leaving this place any time soon. Uh oh. My stomach feels weird. I quickly cover my mouth and run in the hallway to find a bathroom and to my luck, I reach one just in time. I fall down beside the toilet and grab toilet paper to wipe my mouth and end up gagging again from the smell. When I look up to get more toilet paper I notice Logan standing in the doorway, perfect, just what I needed. I cover my face with toilet paper to hide my embarrassment.
"Are you alright?" He asks bending down to look at me. I'm surprised he even followed me here, I just gagged from alcohol it's not like I need him to babysit me. First he grabs me water and next he's following me to the bathroom. He continues to surprise me by gathering my hair in his hand and holding it up for me as I reach for the toilet to gag again. Why is he being so sweet to me? Am I just imagining this because of the amount of alcohol I drank?
"You can leave, I should be fine you don't need to baby me."
He ignores me and doesn't make a move to leave. "You don't look so good I think you should just stay in one of the rooms tonight, I can help you figure out how you're getting home and everything tomorrow. Rest for now, got it?" I nodded my head already starting to drift off when I feel his arms slide under me lifting me up. I try to stop him and say that I can walk myself to the room but it comes out as a soft mumble. He sets me down on the bed and says he'll be back with some water and Tylenol, I thank him and quickly feel my eyes close.
I wake up to the sound of someone opening the door. Oh no is someone trying to take advantage of me right now?! The door wasn't locked it could be a murder or a robber! I jolt up to see Logan grabbing a black shirt out of the dresser. Phew, not a crazy person, I'm safe. He quickly turns around once he hears me shuffling under the covers and hurries towards me. Okay maybe I'm not safe. What? He looks intimidating.
"Why do you look so relieved?" He questions.
"Uh. I thought you were a murderer or something." I giggle awkwardly.
"What? A murderer, are you kidding me? I just came in here to grab a shirt." He laughs.
"What, I think irrationally, okay!"
"How are you feeling?" He sits on the end of the bed staring at me intensely. Yeah I'm definitely not one hundred percent sure I'm safe.
"Um I'm fine. I have a massive headache though." He's sitting on the bed darn it, I can't pull the covers up a little more and I'm getting cold.
"That happens in the beginning but if you drink more often you get used to it and it fades."
Is he trying to tell me to drink more often or something? Yeah I don't think I'll be drinking any more alcohol until I'm twenty one thank you very much.
We sit here in silence for a good minute until he finally says something.
"Okay so I'm just going to get this out of the way. You heard what I said earlier, didn't you?" He surprises me. I thought he was going to tell me I'm out of his league or something jerk like.  
"How could I not you were pretty loud and clear." Yeah loud and clear that I'm like everyone else swooning after him, as if.
"Yeah that was pretty shitty of me to say." Seriously that's all he says, not even a sorry or I didn't mean it? Just accepting the obvious? Okay, so he clearly was just like I thought him out to be. "Yeah, it was." Is all I say and wow, once again, more silence.
"Well I'm sorry. I don't know you well enough to say those things." Maybe he's faking the apology? I mean he might just be trying to make me think he's being nice and then he'll twist it to a joke. Would he do that? Do actual people do that in real life or have I been reading to much? What am I talking about there's no way you could read too much. Okay, okay I'm getting off topic now.
"Well I'm sorry, that still doesn't give you the right to say those things about me either. I'm not like all the other girls swooning after you." I roll my eyes just at the thought of me, Sara Forster, swooning over a guy like Logan James. Sure he's good looking and all but is he really dating material? I don't think so, he's the have a one night stand kind of guy. That's not even a rude assumption I made it's a true fact. Logan's probably been with every girl here willing to let go of her virginity.  "Yeah it doesn't and I'm sorry for saying that shit. Can I make it up to you?" He wants to make it up to me for something pretty small? This is too weird. "What do you mean?" I starting to get curious about what I could actually get him to do.  "I could do something for you or get you something I guess." He actually looks serious about this. "Are there limits?" This should get interesting. The limit is probably going to leave me with three options.
"Whatever it is, it has to be reasonable." What.
"That's it?" I thought he was going to be cocky with it but nope I was wrong. "Yeah what were you expecting?" Yeah, I probably shouldn't tell him I thought he was going to be a cocky douche. "Nothing, I just thought you would have more conditions. You know ones that allowed me only like three to four options." I let out a laugh as he grins at me. "What?" I ask. He smiles up at me, "What?", he tilts his head acting confused.
"Why were you looking at me like that?" I tilt my head to match his.
"I don't know. Can I not look at you like that?" He grins again giving me a foreign feeling that makes me squirm. "You can. It's just weird I guess." I can feel my cheeks getting hot and I can tell Logan notices too because his grin deepens.
"Weird? I think it's perfectly normal." His face inches a little closer making my whole body heat up. "It's just an innocent look Sara." His eyes focused on mine and slowly land down on my lips, his face still a couple inches away from mine. My stomach knotting as his tongue grazes his bottom lip. He quickly looks back up to meet my eyes holding the same grin as before and gets up. Asshole.

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