Chapter 7

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I've stared at Logan's text for the past ten minutes contemplating how I'm going to answer it. I think I've written and rewritten a message about twenty times by now. I looked at his message for so long that I could recite the whole thing off of memory. I fall back into my pillows and close my eyes in an attempt to ease my mind. When I look back on my phone I see the three dots appear and I throw my phone across my bed with a yelp. I hurriedly grab my phone to see if he said anything but the dots are gone. Aww shit he must've seen the dots when I was texting and then retexting. I almost slap myself in the face but decide to do it mentally instead. I let out a huge sigh and finally begin typing again.

Fuck. I think I could go insane. Sara's been texting and then stopping and then texting again for what feels like the past twenty minutes. It's driving me insane. Since I sent the text I've been monitoring it non-stop. I could see that she read it but for the first ten minutes she just left it at that and I thought she wouldn't respond. If she didn't respond I think I would've sent some stupid shit so thank god she started typing. She's been typing for the longest time. I've been putting my phone down and picking it back up seconds later but still nothing. I couldn't take it anymore, so I was going to send some random shit about her sweater in an attempt to ease some tension but I deleted it. I almost throw my phone to the side but I see the three dots appear on my screen and I stop. Almost immediately something resembling a smile of hope sneaks its way onto my face.

Sara: Logan. I get it, you don't do personal stuff, you're the type to push people when personal things push you. I told you personal things that day that to be fully honest I regretted a little. I know you said you would make it up but I don't think spending a day together is a good idea. Can we please just forget about it and go back to you thinking I didn't exist. It would be easier that way. I would like my sweater back though because it's my favorite but it would be better if you gave it to Jenna for me. I'm sorry Logan, I really am.

Reading that message the slight smile I had falls and turns into a full frown. The main reason I'm upset isn't even because she wants to forget it all happened, it's because she said she regretted being honest with me, she regretted trusting me. The only one to blame is myself. Fuck. I can't go back to thinking she doesn't exist when I always knew she existed. The whole two days the only thing I was thinking of was her. I couldn't get her out of my head. She's stuck there and it's fucking torturing me. I couldn't even fucking sleep, every time I tried closing my eyes I'd see the night of the party replay. It sucks because she is probably doing fine, sleeping fine, without any distractions while I'm only ever thinking about her. I need to find a way to get her out of my brain for good or I am never going to get out of this fucking black hole. Maybe I need some type of "closure", like to see her one last time. She did still need her sweater back, the sweater I've been staring at for days. I knew she left it here because one, I snooped in her bag and two, I took it out of her bag. I was going to give it back to her but she left so fast I couldn't.

It's been an hour and all I've done is reread her text about a million times. I can't even think of a fucking response. Fuck! Why am I like this! I've only ever spent hours and hours thinking about one other female before, my mother. Sure I've slept with girls and shit but this never happened, I never thought about it for hours, days after. What is it with Sara? You know what, I'm going to see her again.

It's Monday and I'm bringing Sara's sweater with me to school. My dad's still gone on his trip with his new wife. I'm on the verge of hitting something but my phone lights up distracting me. I check my phone to see a text from Jenna.

Jenna: Sara said you're supposed to give me her favorite sweater today so don't forget it. She needs it for her birthday.
Me: Birthday? When?
Jenna: That something you can ask her. I don't want you getting any ideas.
Me: Jenna
Jenna: See ya Logan

Sara's birthday. Where else am I supposed to find out when it is, Sara doesn't want me to know she exists. Of course, Blake. He always finds a way to know everything about the newbies. He says it's to see who he wants to fuck. Blake's a decent guy he just tends to be a man whore. I know I'm  his friend but everyone knows it, hell he even called himself it before. He eyes the innocent ones, the ones that don't show much interest at first. He fucks em' and breaks their hearts. It's not necessarily my place to say that shit considering I'm known to toy with girls but he flies through girls fast. He plays the polite act until he gets in and then he's done and moves on to the next. I can tell if he hasn't already he's gonna start eyeing Sara. He won't be for much longer though because I've got her. Well I don't have her since she basically hates me but I've still marked her well enough for Blake to know to back off. Another text from Jenna lights up my screen and part of me is hoping it's about Sara's birthday but it isn't.
Jenna: Also, no fucking and tossing Sara like you do with every girl. Sara's my best friend so either stay away or stay friendly, or you'll find hell coming your way.
Me: Yeah, wasn't gonna do that but thanks for the reminder.
Jenna: Which route are you taking?
Me: I'll test the waters a bit more, have some fun.
Jenna: As long as you're not a complete dick like usual then fine.
Me: Aww, like usual? I'm hurt Jenna.
Jenna: Boo hoo get over it, you know it's true.
Me: Yeah, I am known to be a dick.

It's mid-way through the day and I haven't spotted Sara yet. She's definitely dodging me. I'm waiting for a time where I can of corner her a little. I need to talk to her and if she wants her sweater back she's going to want to talk to me too. I leave the classroom and I spot her almost immediately. She's wearing a red sweater, jeans, and to top it all off she's wearing little reindeer antlers. Of course she's festive. I walk over to her before she can get away and manage to corner her against the closest wall.
"We need to talk." Her face is still plastered with shock when I pull her arm with me through the crowd of students rushing to get to lunch. She wiggles her arm to get out of my grasp but I keep it reasonably tight. I'm not missing my opportunity to talk things out with her. I stop near the exit and let go of her arm hoping she won't go running off in some random direction.
"What the hell Logan! You can't just do that!" She whacks my shoulder and I pretend to be hurt to get rid of the tension for her.
"Don't you dare act like that hurt, it couldn't possibly hurt you I'm a weaklinggg!" She squeals and damn was that cute. A smile creeps its way into my face and I'm surprised to see one on her face too. Her smile might be the cutest I've seen- wow this girl has done a fucking number on me if I'm talking like this.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay that's not what I wanted to talk about." I squeeze her arm playfully and give her a little smirk. Her smile fades just a little it's almost not noticeable, but it screams out at me.
"I just thought we could talk about what happened." She shifts a little and I notice the way her eye twitches in the slightest and it hits me right in the face.
"We don't need to talk Logan it's fine. You could've just responded to my text instead." It's said so lightly but I can tell it was meant to be harsh. Some may think she's a little puppy which is true but she can also be a fucking fire.

author's note
*hey hey i changed the format of the texts so please let me know if you like it!*
hey hey luvly's! this chapter was very short but the next chapter will be better i promise. i intend to set a specific day or days i will publish new chapters but for now it's mainly when i have time. well anyway i really hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it is very overdue -like most of my chapters- but if you did like it please comment what your favorite parts were or least favorite parts. if you'd like please vote on the chapter because it really helps tell me if you enjoyed it or not. thank you for all the love and support my luvly's i love you all so much!
luv, hanna

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