Chapter 8

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"I couldn't think of a response that would be okay through text." I look down at her to see her cold glare boring into me. She doesn't fucking believe me.
"It's fine, catch up another time?" She moves away from me and I can hear her mutter a 'or never' under her breath and I'm quick to grab hold of her arm.
"Not getting rid of me that easy." I pull her back to me.
"Why can't it be that easy?" She huffs with crossed arms.
"Because I'm Logan James when I want something I don't give up easily," I smirk and I notice she shifts a little. "I really was telling the truth in the text, about why I was distracted." She's not looking at me, her gaze his locked on the floor. I gently pull her chin up, so she's looking at me, and she holds it for about thirty seconds until her gaze drops again. "Can you look at me, Sara?" She almost hesitant to, but she lifts her head and stares me right in the face, cold hazel eyes glaring into my brown ones.
"You can talk all you want but I can't promise I'll listen." Her voice is stern and full of clear annoyance.
"Okay, fine. I have your sweater, you want it you have to spend a day with me. If you don't then bye-bye to your precious sweater." I grin down at her, and she's giving me the coldest stare ever. Damn, does this girl love this sweater that much or does she just hate me that much?
"Asshole, you wouldn't dare." A small chuckle falls out of my mouth, and she rolls her eyes.
"Oh, but I would." She stays silent as she looks at me like she's considering her options.
"Damn you, that's my favorite sweater and I'm almost fully sure that the place I got it from doesn't sell it anymore." She huffs with clear annoyance.
"Well, I guess a day with me it is," I smirk knowing she'll still try to fight me on it some more.
"Um, no no, I don't have to spend any time at all with you. You can try all you want but I know I'll get my sweater back someday Logan." She's quick to object as expected. I chuckle some more at her stubbornness and her eyebrows pull together in confusion.
"What? What's so funny?" She says with crossed her arms.
"Oh, just how it's so easy to get you agitated and how stubborn you are," Her lips form a pout and I continue, "I'm also starting to think you don't care too much about the sweater as I thought you did." This has her looking like she could pounce on me at any moment and god-fucking-damn it's hot.
"Okay one, I am not as stubborn as you, and two, I do care about my sweater it's my favorite one, and they don't sell it anymore so give it back!" She hisses and her pouty lips before were hot but adding his attitude is like a fucking dream.
"Hmm, yeah no," I shrug with yet another smirk, "I said very clearly before that I would only give it back if you spent a day with me." This time I'm crossing my arms at her, and she looks pissed but it's fine because I know she'll agree.
"Fine, you jackass I'll spend a day with you."  She makes it clear to roll her eyes at me which I just grin at because I fucking knew she'd agree. "Okay, I agreed, now give me my sweater." She huffs. Oh, she's going to be fucking livid when I tell her she's not getting her sweater back yet.
"I'll give it to you after the day is over. You can't trick me into giving it to you so you can just blow me off, doesn't work that way gorgeous." I give her a little smile which she returns with another roll of her eyes. The bell rings and knowing her she's not going to be late to class so that's a win for me.
"You prick." She kicks my foot a little and storms off to her next class, leaving me to laugh to myself.

I get home to see my dad's car parked in the driveway. Fucking great. I immediately hear him and his new wife -I will never call her my stepmother- talking about their trip in the living room. They notice me and send a smile my way which I return with the roll of my eyes. I go straight upstairs and slam my door as I do almost every day. Some days I don't even come back home, I stay at Vanessa's house or Blake's. There's another party tonight at Blake's but I'm not going, I'm done for today. Vanessa and Blake tried convincing me to go but I told them both to stop trying. I wonder what Sara's doing, probably reading or something. With that thought, I'm falling asleep.

"He's not giving me my sweater back!" I immediately screech to Jenna over the phone.
"Why the fuck not?"
"Because he said I have to spend a day with him. I agreed because I want my sweater back but now I'm thinking it over and so many things could go wrong Jen!" My mind is racing with thoughts of what the day is going to be like and I realize he never said which day I had to spend with him.
"Chilllll, all you have to do is have an s.o.s. call." An s.o.s. call? What's that?
"It's when a friend calls you with a fake emergency to save your ass from whatever it is you need saving from." She adds as if she read my mind.
"Oh okay, can you do it then?" I calm down just a little.
"I would but Logan knows me, and he knows I know the s.o.s. call so try to get Macie to do it." She suggests.
"Okay, I'll ask her. I have to study, so I'll call you later and let you know if Macie will do it or not." We exchange goodbyes, Jenna as usual ends with a 'love you bitch' and then we end the call. I'm still scared that the s.o.s. call won't work or Macie won't be able to do it or something bad will happen but at least I have some hope.

Me: Heyyy
Macie: Heyaaa
Me: So... I have a favor to ask
Macie: Ooh okay what is it?
Me: I need you to call me for a fake emergency when I go to spend the day with Logan, so I have an excuse to leave
Macie: Hold the f up, one since when are you willing to spend a day with Logan James?
Me: Since he basically tricked me into it, I left my sweater at his house from the party, and won't give it back until I spend a day with him
Macie: Holy shit he's really stuck to you
Me: ha ha ha I wish he wasn't stuck to me at alllll
Macie: okay, yeah, I get it but what is it with this call you stuff?
Me: Jenna told me there's this thing called an s.o.s. call where a friend calls you for a fake emergency so you can escape the situation you're in
Macie: Oh I think I've heard of people doing that before, I just hope Connor didn't do that with me before >:(
Me: no, you know I don't like him, but he wouldn't do that
Connor is Macie's boyfriend of almost a year now and I don't like him. She knows this and she knows why. He doesn't treat her right, he's the overprotective mixed with jealous kind of boyfriend. I tell her to break it off all the time, but she says it's fine. I trust her and her choices but I'm never really going to like Connor.
Macie: yeah he wouldn't
Macie: but that's beside the point, I'll call you with the fake emergencyyy
Me: omg really thank you I love youuu
Macie: mwah love youuu
Perfect, I have a way to escape from Logan without having to explain because when a friend needs your help you never need one. Now to text Logan and ask when we have to hang out.
Me: hey I was just wondering when we are supposed to be hanging out
No response.
30 minutes later; no response
An hour later; no response
Why am I even waiting for it, it's not like I'm going to stay for the whole day, I'm trying to get out of it not get excited about it. I'll read, the greatest distraction from everything that is life.

I wake up to a buzzing that I thought was in my head but realized it's my phone. A text from Logan is the only thing on my screen. I check the time too and realize I fell asleep for an hour and a half.
Logan: tomorrow.
Okay, so I have a day to perfect my little act to get out of it. I hope I don't screw things up I can't act to save my life. Why am I even doing this? Oh, right because Logan won't give my frickin sweater back!
Me: okay, are you picking me up or are we meeting somewhere?
Logan: I'll pick you up.
Me: mkay see ya tomorrow then.
Logan: yeah
Is it just me or did that last text seem a little short and uninterested? I know I'm not planning on staying the full day, but he seemed so set on making me go, and now that I'm going he seems to not care. Now I'm going to be stuck on this for the rest of the day. Men, I'll never understand them.

I didn't eat dinner today. I wouldn't sit across or near my father and his new wife, Ally? Astrid? Amanda? Whatever, it's one of those, her name is not important for me to remember. I sat in my room and stared at the pages of my mother's book. Sara texted me which gave me a distraction. Tomorrow I'll be out of the house the whole day with Sara, away from my "family". She doesn't know it but she's saving me by just spending a day with me.

author's note
i intend to set a specific day or days i will publish new chapters but for now it's mainly when i have time. well anyway i really hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did like it please comment what your favorite parts were or least favorite parts. if you'd like please vote on the chapter because it really helps tell me if you enjoyed it or not. thank you for all the love and support my luvly's i love you all so much!
luv, hanna

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