Chapter 3

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Logan's P.O.V
"You can shower here if you want," I smirk as I get up from her side. I can feel her eyes hooked on me but when I turn around her eyes hurriedly switch to the floor.
"You have clothes in your bag anyways." Her eyes flick back to me immediately.
"You went through my bag?!" She squeals as her hazel eyes grow wide.
"Didn't have to it was already peeking out when I brought it in here." I correct which she replies with a scoff.
"Those are still going to be uncomfortable. If I knew I was going to be here overnight I would have brought something more suited for sleep." She lets out a sigh picking up the clothes from her bag.
"I mean you could always just ditch the clothes and stay in your underwear," I smirk, "you certainly would look hot as hell my darling so I wouldn't mind." Her eyes go wide again and her hands quickly fly up in the air.
"No way in hell that's happening you pervert," she cringes with an uncomfortable expression plastered on her face, "oh and I am not your darling."
"Fine, maybe you can save that for another day. You can wear something of mine tonight." I suggest with a wink which of course she frowns at.
"Okay, fine but only because I'm tired and need my sleep." She sighs giving in. I pull out a dark navy blue shirt and toss it her way. "What am I supposed to do for pants?" She eyes the shirt then looks back to me.
"That shirt's long enough to be a dress on you, you're fine. Just get your ass in the shower already." I nod towards the bathroom.

Sara's P.O.V.
I contemplate telling him that he should be more polite but I want to sleep as fast I as possible and him being here isn't going to help. I hop in the shower and turn the faucet to feel the warmth of the water hit my back. He's so cocky and sure of himself. So confident. I wish I were as confident as him that I could say whatever I felt like and not get backlash from it. He also seems like such a mystery. He's like something I've found that has me wanting to figure out. I wash out my hair and hop out of the shower wrapping the soft towel around my dripping body. I wipe down my body starting from my legs and when I reach my arm I frown. The layers of makeup on my left arm had washed off uncovering my bruise. The purplish mark slowly turning a pale green. I pull the shirt Logan gave me over my head and just as he said it stops right at my fingertips. I expect Logan to be gone by now so I don't bother to try and cover it up. When I walk out my eyes immediately go to Logan sprawled on the bed. His head quickly jerks up from his phone and he smirks at me.
"What?" I try to distract him as I move my arm so my bruise isn't as visible.
"Oh nothing." His smirk disappears and his gaze shifts to my arm. Shit. My arm had moved since I started playing with my bracelet. I hadn't even realized that my nervous habit had gotten the best of me. Great now he's seen it. How am I possibly going to get out of this? I should've been paying more attention. I mentally slap myself across the face for being an absolute idiot.
"Where did you get that?" His voice is strong and laced with concern and a hint of... anger?
"Oh that? I just.. hit my arm on my shelf the other day." I hurry for an excuse while trying to keep my voice strong.
"Are you lying?" He asks sternly. He steps close enough to me that I can smell the fresh scent of his cologne.
"N-no." I try to appear unbothered but my voice fails me.
"Sara. Where'd you get that from?" He more of demands than asks this time pausing between every word which makes me jump a little.
"Nowhere. It's nothing." I muster up all the strength I can but knowing that I'm not a very strong person it doesn't go well. Logan can see right through my little act, I just know it.
"Sara. I'm only going to ask one more time. Where the fuck did you get that bruise?" His voice is quiet but holds a powerful tone that sends a shiver up my back. I feel tapped and I don't like it one bit. I step back but he steps closer until I'm pushed up against the wall. I try to move to the side but he grips my waist, blocking me from moving anywhere.
"Tell me. Now." This time his voice holds more demand. I keep my gaze focused on the floor as my eyes start to gloss over and a tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and put on the best mask I can manage to hide the fact that I'm weak. My mask fails me. Another tear slips down my cheek and this time I don't bother to wipe it away. Logan's hand reaches up to cup my cheek, his thumb wiping away my tears.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you just going to tell me it's complicated?" He asks, his tone now softer.
"My... dad," I pause as more tears come rushing down my face, "He. He hit me." My voice goes to a whisper but Logan being an inch away heard. His grip on my waist tightens and his eyes go dark. He let's go of my waist and his hands ball into tight fists at his sides.

Logan's P.O.V.
Her dad fucking hit her. He hit his own fucking daughter. My vision turns red and my mind fills with hatred. I don't even know the man but I'm just might fucking beat his ass.
"Why the fuck did he hit you?" I try to keep as calm as possible but my fists are ready to hit the closest piece of furniture.
"I was trying to protect my mom." Her voice is soft and weak. I want to hold her, to make her feel safe. My mind focuses back on her words and  I process what she's said.
"Did he hit your mom?" My tone goes even more urgent and she just responds with a single nod.
More tears come running down her face, "I'm damaged Logan, completely fucking damaged." I hold my arms out welcoming her cries as she falls into my arms. In this moment she isn't damaged. She is beautiful, completely fucking beautiful.
"You're nowhere close to damaged Sara. You're strikingly astonishing and maybe fragile but is that a bad thing? To me it just means you need someone in your life to keep you safe." This makes her frown fade and a smile take its place. Damn that smile, her smile is electrifying.

* sorry this chapter is a little short the next chapter will be longer :)
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xo, hanna

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