Family time

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This is the second part of the last chapter

Chris's POV

I'm laying on our hammock with Scarlett laying on my chest watching Rosie have a tea party with her dolls Chris's family is going to be here soon so we decided it would be nice to spend some time together before everyone gets here "look how happy she is" Scarlett says I kiss her cheek "her smile is just like yours" she snuggles closer to me "mommy Chrissy come play" Rose screams Scarlett sighs "we're coming" I say back I pick up Scarlett and carry her over to Rosie "Chris" she says "what my girl has sore feet" I kiss her forehead before placing her on the ground we're playing tea party with Rosie when I ask "Rosie what do you want for your birthday" she smiles "um a treehouse or a bike" Rose has never liked to use a lot of her moms money unless it was on clothes "oh or a giant teddy bear" Scarlett laughed slightly "darling we should go inside my family is going to be here soon" we get up to go inside "Chrissy can you give me a piggyback ride" "sure" I pick up Rose and slip her around onto my back then I pick up Scarlett and carry her bridal style "weeee" Rosie screeches I put Scarlett on the couch and turn around so Rosie can drop onto the couch then the doorbell rings we all get up and I open the door my mom hugs me "hello sweetheart you look great and hello Scarlett I'm so glad to finally get to get to know you" "thank you for coming I'm excited to get to know you as w..." "is she Chrissy's mom?"Rosie asks my mom crouches down to talk to Rose "you must be Rose" Rosie holds out her hand for my mom to shake Scarlett laughs I hug Scott, Shanna, and Carly "hey scar" Shanna says they met at the Oscars " hey Shanna how are the kids" "they're great and very excited to meet you" she smiles "really wow Rosie can't wait to meet them either" I wrap my arms around Scarlett and kiss her cheek "do you guys want dinner I ask" "I do Rosie" says "okie dokie I'll start the ribs"

Scarlett's POV

We are finishing dinner when Rose asks me "can I go get my dolls to show everyone" "sure sweetheart" she runs off to get her dolls "so how old is Rose?" Carly asks "she'll be five next Friday" "oh well we need to get her some presents" I smile at how sweet Chris's family is "you don't have to do that" "oh yes we do she part of our family and she's turning five" she says "well if you want you could stay until Monday because her birthday party is on Sunday" "definitely she looks exactly like you"

Chris's POV

It's nine thirty so I take Rose upstairs and put her in her pjs "Chrissy you're mommy is really nice" "yeah she was really excited to meet you" I smile at her "I love you Chrissy" I kiss her cheek "I love you too Rosie bug" I tuck her in and walk back downstairs "did she go to sleep ok" Scarlett asks "scar she's ok"  she kisses me "the babies are making me tired I'm gonna go to bed now I love you" "ok darling I'll be up in a little while" I kiss her cheek and she walks upstairs "you are so in love" Scott says I turn to look at him "well I can't help it she's perfect in every way, she's smart, beautiful, brave, and my best friend I don't think I can live without her she's everything to me" he just smiles at me "yeah you've got it really good with her I can tell I better be your best man" I laugh "I don't know I think she's a little bit nervous because she's already had two divorces" he puts a hand on my shoulder "you've just gotta do it she's not say no she's too in love with you" I smile at the thought of Scarlett being my wife oh my god she's so perfect and definitely the love of my life and I love her, Rose and our beautiful babies so much "I have to get some sleep but I'll see you tomorrow stupid" he says "haha night" I roll my eyes I go over to the sink and start to wash the dishes when I tell I tiny hand tap on my leg "I had a bad dream" I turn around to see Rose with tier stained cheeks "oh Rosie bug" I pick her up and walk over to the couch and sit down with her still in my arms "what was the dream about" she looks at me with sad Scarlett eyes "you left me and mommy" I kiss her forehead "I'm not going anywhere" she lays he head on my shoulder I run my hand through her hair soon she's fast asleep my mom comes in the room "I was just coming to say good night" I nod "night ma I love you" "she looks just like her mom" she points out "yeah it's funny how similar they are" my mom sits next to me "is she the one?" I can help but smile "oh mom I don't think I can live without her or Rose they're my everything" my mom puts her hand on my knee "she's amazing Chris and it's about time I get a grandchild from you" she moves a strand of Rose's hair off her face "she's adorable I can tell you think of her as a daughter" "mom this little girl is amazing incredibly smart and sweet and she's my daughter blood or not" my mom smiles "when are you gonna ask Scarlett to marry you" she asks with a smile on her face "well I have to ask Rosie if it's ok first but hopefully soon" my mom pulls out a beautiful ring "it was your grandma's ring she wanted you to have it because she knew she would never get to see you get married" I can feel tiers in my eyes "thank you ma" she hugs me before saying "you better put her to bed" I get up and take Rose to her room and gently put her on her bed as I'm covering her up she slowly opens her eyes "Chrissy if you're gonna marry my mommy doesn't that mean you're my daddy now" I'm shocked by what the little girl said "well if it's ok with you" she hugs me "yes now I can be a flower girl" I laugh "well of corse, now it's bedtime" she lays down I put the blanket over her "good night daddy I love you" I'm in shock she just called me her dad "good night" I kiss her cheek before getting up to go into me and Scarlett's room Scarlett is so beautiful laying on her side the moonlight lighting up the room I get undressed and put the ring in a place I know she won't find it before getting under the covers with her she turns to me and cuddles into my chest

Omg guys I've been wanting to write this chapter forever the next on is gonna be Rosie's birthday party 🥳

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