I love you

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Scarlett's POV

After the party I took Rose to her "date" the whole car ride she was asking me what happened at the party I was honestly relieved when Lucas got there now I'm on the doorstep of Chris's house I ring the doorbell and only stand there for a couple seconds before the door opens and Chris crashes his lips on mine I moan into the kiss and we get lost in the passion that is until we get interrupted "hoooooly shit........yayyy" Luna screams "mommy and daddy love each other yayyy" I laugh and lean in to Chris's chest Leo comes running down the stairs "what happened" "mommy and daddy kissed" Leo makes a disgusted face "ewww" Luna gives him the stink eye "no Leo it was adorable" I laugh and look at Chris his smile is ear to ear I laugh and kiss him "ewwww" this time me and Chris both laugh Chris takes my hand and brings me inside we sit on the couch with the twins until they fall asleep because we had a long day me and Chris pick them up and take them to their rooms Luna wakes up when I put her in her bed "mommy are you and daddy going to get married now" I laugh and kiss her cheek "maybe" she nods and closes her eyes I get up and turn around to see Chris smirking in the doorway "maybe" he says grabbing my hand "come here" he brings me to his room and we end up making out "move in with me" he asks "WHAT?!?" I almost yell "Scarlett we've lost so much time and we have three kids I want us all together again" I smile and feel a tear falling down my cheek he kisses it away "Scarlett I love you and I wanna be with you but if you wanna go slow we can go slow" I cup his face in my hands "I love you too let me make sure it's ok with Rose first but I love you" he nods and kisses me deeply I break the kiss when I hear my phone go off


Hey mom we're almost done bowling

Ok I'll be there in thirty minutes

Ok bye


"I have to go" I say Chris just kisses me "nope" I smile into the kiss "come on Chris I have to go" "ok fine"  we go downstairs and I grab my purse from the kitchen table once we get to the door he looks at me with a sad smile "kiss me" I say he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist my hands go to his hair he is lifting me from the ground slightly I mean into the kiss "mph Chris" I say he puts me down and smiles "I love you" he says holding me face in his hands "I love you too" I kiss him one more time before leaving when I get into my car I sigh this is too good to be true I mean why would he still love me I sigh again and start driving by the time I get to the bowling alley it's almost 9:00 "mom that was not thirty minutes" rose says when I walk in "sorry I got caught up in something" rose just smiles "it's ok Lucas and his mom waited with me" I look over to my right and see Lucas and his mom "thank you so much I just got caught up is something and lost track of time" I say to his mom "no it's no problem at all she's a very sweet girl" I smile "well I'm glad and so is Lucas from what I hear about him" "mom" Rose says I laugh "ok well we have to go but I'm sure I'll see you again soon" his mom laughs "yeah probably have a good night" she says "you too" I say and me and Rose get in the car to go home "so you still haven't told me what happened at uncle Robert's" she says I sigh "well....umm" she laughs "did you guys finally stop making eyes at each other and finally say how you feel" I'm shocked at how smart my Eleven year old daughter is although she's always been mature for her age "come on mom you deserve this" I smile and look at her "and plus I miss him" I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks "why are you so smart" she laughs "well I mean I'm your kid" she says "ok what are we waiting for let's go get Chris" she yells "I love you sweetheart" she smiles at me "I love you too mom"

Chris's POV

I'm laying in bed just looking at the ceiling thinking about how perfect it felt to have her in my arms again after six years I didn't think I'd be able to live without her and honestly the only reason I'm still here is because I have my beautiful kids that I love so much my phone dings and lights up the room I reach over to my nightstand and see a text from Scarlett

Me and Rose are on your porch can you open the door it's cold

I laugh and get out of bed slipping a shirt over me body and run down the stairs to the door I swing it open to see Scarlett and Rose "are you guys ok" Scarlett doesn't answer she just jumps into my arms "I love you so much" her tears are soaking through my shirt I hold her tightly in my arms "hey Scarlett come on" I hold my hands out for her and Rose and bring them inside "hey Rosie" she smiles and hugs me "hi" she whispers "Chris can we stay here tonight I think she needs you" she says "sure here why don't you come with me I'll take you to Luna's room" she nods "Scarlett I'll be right back" I take Rose upstairs "Chris are you guys gonna get back together" she asks "I hope so" she says before I can answer her "Rosie it's complicated" she laughs "why do people say that you love her she loves you time isn't gonna wait for you guys so just let yourself be happy" I'm shocked at the words coming out of her mouth "I remember some of when you guys were together I remember how happy both of you were I remember how much we all loved each other and I remember the day you brought the twins home and I miss it she barely eats anything anymore she cries so much she tries to hide it from us but I notice Chris she needs you" "wow when did you turn 40" I ask she just laughs "good night" she says "night" she walks into the room and I shake my head she is definitely her mothers daughter I walk back downstairs to see Scarlett asleep on the couch I smile and pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room I fall asleep with her wrapped in my arms I fall asleep knowing she is safe knowing we're all safe and together

Ok guys please tell me if you're liking it and also leave suggestions for stuff you wanna see happen I love you all 💕-L

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