I still think about us

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So Chris and Scarlett broke up after the attack and are still co-parenting the twins Rose is now 11 Leo and Luna are 6 I'll be doing flashbacks to the six years between the time skip I promise

Six years later
Scarlett's POV

I'm running through the house looking for Luna's lunchbox she's insisting she didn't leave it at school but I can't find it anywhere "ugggh Luna are you sure you didn't leave it at school" "yes mommy I'm sure" she yells while also looking for it "I found it" Rose yells from the basement "thank you" Luna says when Rose hands it to her "ok Leo you all packed for your dads" "yeah" he mumbles while grabbing his skateboard "ok Luna how about you" she smiles "yep all ready to go" I kiss her forehead "Rose we're gonna be late" "coming" she comes running down the stairs "don't forget your dance bag we have to go straight from dropping the twins off to your practice" I reminded her "ok thanks mom" she kisses my cheek and runs out to the car  and jumps into the front seat I grab my purse and keys before locking the door and getting in the car "can you play dance monkey please" Luna says from the backseat "sure" Rose says before plugging her phone in and playing it they all start dancing and singing to the music I smile and sing along

Chris's POV

It's been six years since me and Scarlett broke up and not one day has passed where I don't think about her I still see her every Friday night when she drops the twins off at my house I miss her so much and can't help but think back to that night

Six years ago the night of the attack

Cobie has barely stopped the car when I jump out and run inside the hospital and to the front desk "I need the room number for Scarlett Johansson "ok sir she's in surgery right now are you her husband" she asks "no I'm her fiancé" she nods "ok I'll let someone know to update you" "okay thank you" I go sit in the waiting room with Cobie for two hours before a doctor comes out "mister Evans?" He says "yes how is she" he smiles at me "she's stable there was a lot of bleeding in her lower abdomen we hat to preform a hysterectomy meaning we had to remove her uterus" I can feel a tear threatening to fall from my right eye "can I see her" "sure this way" he says bringing me to her room the second I see her I fall to the floor in tears har arms are covered in bruises I could kill him I really could

*end of flashback*

She lets me see Rose once a week because we didn't tell her but me and Scarlett were in the process of having me adopt her what the attack happened I'm sitting at home in my office looking at different jobs my agent has set up for me when I hear my phone ding

Rosie💕: hey do you wanna come to my national competition next weekend

Chris:is it ok with your mom

Rosie💕: yeah I asked her yesterday

Chris: ok I'll be there

Rosie💕:Ok have a good day

Chris: you too

I sigh I wish I had Scarlett in my arms I wish we were all together again

Scarlett's POV

After I drop the kids off at school I go home and turn on a movie and try to not think about Chris

Six years ago nine hours after the attack

I open my eyes to see a hospital room and Chris beside me I immediately start sobbing Chris tries to hug me but I push him away thinking he's Romain screaming for help a doctor comes in and gives me a sedative to calm me down I can faintly hear Chris and the doctor talking before I pass out again

*End of flashback*

I'm on the floor in tears when I hear the door open "Scarlett" Cobie yells running up to me "I'm sorry" she wraps her arms around me "sorry about what" she asks in a whisper "I love him so much" I sob and she hugs me just a little tighter "I know you do" I just sit there and sob in Cobie's arms

Seven hours later

Cobie did her best to cheer me up I feel a little better but it's time to go get the kids I hug Cobie goodbye and get in the car as I start driving I hear my phone ringing I look at the screen and see Chris's name I take a deep breathe before answering

Chris Scarlett

Hey Scarlett.


I was just calling because rose asked me to come to nationals next Saturday is that ok

Yeah that's fine

Ok well see you in about an hour



The second I hang up I let out a big breathe I didn't know I was holding in
By the time I get to Luna and Leo's school it's almost 3:30 I sigh and look to see the walking up to the car hand in hand they have always had a very strong bond even though they are very different Leo says because hi IS older that it's his job to protect Luna I put on my best smile when they open the car door "hey momma" Leo says "hey baby boy how was school" I ask "it was ok there were some kids pushing Luna around at lunch though" he says "aww you ok baby girl" I say looking at Luna "yeah I'm fine Leo scared them off" I laugh and start driving to Rose's school I can't believe she's already in middle school but she seems to love it "Luna did you eat all your lunch" I ask "no" she says looking down "but she ate more then yesterday" Leo says "ok well Leo make sure she eats good at dads ok" Leo nods and I stop the car in the carpool line when the teacher sees me she get Rose who is sitting with her friend Lucas "hey mom" she says getting in the front seat "hey how was school" I ask "it was great I got a 100% on my pre algebra test from yesterday and Lucas asked me if I can go bowling with him tomorrow" I smile she talks about Lucas a lot "that's amazing what time tomorrow" she blushes slightly "6:00" I smile "okay sounds fun"

Chris's POV

I'm making dinner when I hear the doorbell ring I quickly go to the door and open it Luna, Leo and Scarlett are standing on the other side "hey guys" I say as the twins hug me "go ahead inside I'll be there in a second" " ok daddy" Luna says and runs inside to the couch I turn back to Scarlett and can tell she hasn't been getting a lot of sleep "ok is there anything else" I ask "um yes Luna has voice lessons on Monday so don't forget to have her practice and don't let Leo forget his skateboard again" she says quickly "ok Scarlett are you ok" I ask in a whisper "yeah I'm fine" she says smiling but I see that she in pain and all I want to do is hold her "ok well I guess I'll see you tomorrow" her face goes white "shit I completely forgot about the reunion"

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