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Three days later

Scarlett's POV

Chris went to go get the car so we can take the babies home my sister is holding Luna while I hold Leo he's looking at me with the sweetest little smile I still am terrified because one baby is hard but two uggh I'm in for long nights although last time I basically did it by myself and this time I have Chris I'm still terrified He comes up with the car and we put the babies in the backseat and I sit in between them while Chris and Vanessa are up front I've noticed that Luna is a lot more quiet and calm than Leo he seems to be awake more and definitely a lot louder I'm so excited to see Rose I haven't seen her in three days I'm sure she's having fun with her grandparents and my siblings but I still miss her when we pull into the driveway I see rose waiting in the window she's so excited to have siblings it's the most adorable thing Chris gets Leo and I get Luna the door opens before we even get close Rose is standing there waiting to see the babies "mommy" she hugs me "hey Rosie bug" she looks at Luna and follows us inside "mommy can I hold her" "sure but you have to go sit down" she runs as fast as she can to the couch and sits down I laugh "ok so you have to support her neck like this" I say while I put Luna in Rose's arms "she's so cute mommy" Rose kisses Luna's forehead lightly "hi Luna" he smile is the most adorable thing I've ever seen

An hour later
Chris's POV

I walk inside with a bunch of groceries in my arms and see Scarlett asleep on the couch and Vanessa holding Leo I put everything away and go over to Scarlett I kiss her forehead and sit next to rose who's playing with her dolls on the floor "can I play" I ask she smiles at me and says "sure daddy" I'm still not used to her calling me that she hands me the doll that is supposed to look like me we play for about an hour when Scarlett wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my jawline "hi darling" I say "hello" she gets up and picks up Leo "hey baby boy" rose gets up and sits next to Scarlett "mommy was I this cute" I laugh thinking about when Scarlett went into labor with Rose


Me and Scarlett are out for dinner tonight talking about upcoming projects "so I really just want a break from everybody" she sighs "Romain is ignoring me and I'm gonna give birth in like a week" I feel so bad for her I never thought I'd be falling in love with her like this but she is perfect and I can't help it "I'm so sorry scar" I grab her hand and she looks up at me with a little smile but sad eyes all of a sudden her grip on my hand tightens and she gasps "Scarlett are you ok" she looks at me terrified "my water broke" I throw some cash on the table and she grabs my arm as we walk out she get in my car and I start driving to the hospital "drive faster for gods sake" she yells

The next day

I walk into the hospital room and see Romain next to Scarlett I wanna punch him so bad but then I see the baby in Scarlett's arms I smile and walk up to her "wow scar she looks like you" Scarlett smiles and looks at me with the same look as last night I wanna wrap my arms around her and tell her I love her but I can't she already loves someone else "she is really adorable" Scarlett says snapping me out of my head I look at her and see romain holding her hand

End of flashback

"Oh Rose you were so cute I remember the moment I saw you my heart skipped a beat" I say Scarlett looks at me smiling just then Luna starts to cry I smile and pick her up bouncing her in my arms a bit "I think she's hungry" I say Scarlett laughs and I hand her Luna "can I hold Leo daddy" Rose asks "sure cutie pie" she smiles and I put him in Rose's arms

Six hours later

Me and Rose are watching a Barbie movie when she asks "daddy I have a daddy daughter dance next weekend will you go with me please" I smile and wonder how in the world did I get so lucky "definitely wait does that mean I have to learn to dance" she laughs "you don't know how to dance" she get up and pulls me out of my seat she starts to teach me how to dance laughing the whole time

Scarlett's POV

I hear laughing coming from the movie room Vanessa looks at me and we both get up with the babies in our arms and walk to the movie room and see Chris and Rose dancing around I laugh and start to cry a little Vanessa takes me back to the couch worried about me "scar you ok" I can't stop my tears "I'm fine it's just after Rose was born the way Chris and me looked at each other changed and that's when I finally stopped denying my feelings towards him and now he looks and Rose the same way he looks at Luna and Leo I was so worried about it but now god I just love him so much

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