a. Conspirational mess

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“Don’t make me repeat myself!” He spoke exasperated giving a fed up look in the woman’s direction who stood unmoving and unyielding.

The living hall of Basu badi felt every inch like a courtroom as Rishabh stood two stairs above with his jaw clenched just as tightly as his fingers around the rail bar.

“For the last time I am asking you Prerna, WHO.DID.THIS?” Rishabh gnashed his teeth, his heart tearing up at the mere thought of what would’ve happened to his Kuki had he been a split second late.

Prerna stood mum, staring right back into his furious eyes.Her eyes were as impassive as her demeanor.This enraged Rishabh all the more.

“You will be deemed the culprit if you don’t speak up for yourself Prerna! I have faith that you as Kuki’s mother can never be irresponsible enough to put her in any danger and intentionally at that…Never! But you seem to know who the perpetrator is and this silence of yours makes you an accomplice in the act too.” Bajaj roared in the end, “Who exactly are you trying to protect?”He hissed his burning gaze fleeting to the man standing by his wife’s side. Her lover. Anurag Basu.

Prerna realized in which direction his doubts were straying to and opened her mouth, “Don’t let personal feelings cloud your judgment, Mr Bajaj” Prerna remarked as Bajaj’s face scrunched up at her insinuations.

“This loyalty of yours”, he snorted, “never ceases to amaze me! Regardless….who is it, then?” He completed descending the stairs and coming face to face with her.

At that moment, Prerna’s gaze shifted to the mother-daughter duo standing behind his back, sniggering with their mouths curled up in sheer mockery.

Anurag glared Tanvi’s way and she just shrugged passing him a condescending smile.

“So you won’t speak,right?” Rishabh cocked his brow as Anurag’s eyes widened and he turned to Prerna.

“Why are you quiet,Prerna?! Tell him! Tell Mr. Bajaj that people responsible for Kuki’s condition are his ver—

“I have nothing to say to you”, Prerna cut off Anurag effectively as Rishabh nodded begrudgingly and took a step back.

“Fine then!” He wiped his face almost roughly while nodding his head furiously. “In that case, get the hell out of my house. Aaj se, infact abhi se hamara ye rishta khatm. You are released from this marriage, Prerna Sharma. Disappear from my and Kuki’s life. I will send you the divorce papers….so…..”Rishabh turned away from her, his fists clenched tightly, “…..just….leave” , he finished and rushed up the stairs without another glance.

Prerna sucked in a deep breath as she looked at his retreating back. As her eyes found masi, she just smirked while Tanvi wiggled her fingers at Prerna bidding her Bye.

Prerna turned away sharply, tears stinging and threatening to come out. She can’t fall weak now. She can’t!

And with that resolution, she hurried out of the house as Anurag chased after her.


“Why the hell didn’t you speak up?” Anurag shouted as he caught upto Prerna on the road and whirled her around.

Instantly Prerna turned her face away, wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes.
“Answer me, god damn it!” He forced her to face him by catching her shoulders and pulled her closer, “Why did you keep it from Mr. Bajaj? Why? Tell me why Prerna? Wh—

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