c. Epiphany

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How could she do that?


Walking away just like that!


Did he mean so little?


“Why Prerna, why?”

With the final hit, the sandbag gave away as it burst open and fell limp while Rishabh unwrapped the bandages around his knuckles.

Picking the towel off the bench,he proceeded to wipe the sweat glistening over his muscles like diamonds, all the while his hard eyes intently focused on the ring in his hand, the one they had exchanged on Kuki’s insistence.

Suddenly overcome with a feeling of betrayal as Prerna’s words in defence of Anurag echoed in his ears, he tried to pull that emerald studded beauty apart from his finger but it refused to budge.

The ring is just as stubborn! He scoffed mentally and stepped inside the shower.

As the first drop of water hit his body, he shuddered under its effect reminiscing the hollowness of her otherwise expressive eyes when he had bugged her for answers.

Every time he thought of her harming Kuki, his heart rebuked him with only one word. Preposterous!  But her silence and the unwillingness to stand for her own innocence had served to support his thick head. What was he supposed to do?

Keeping his rationality aside, he had promised her trust but she had refused to divulge the truth. What more could he do? Why the heck did she not correct him if she was right? Why did she not justify?


“Why don’t you tell Mr. Basu the truth?” He asked nonchalantly sipping on his coffee, as he flipped the newspaper.

“Sorry, what?! Prerna asked perplexed, sitting opposite to him on the chaise.
“Our deal, to save him…”He elaborated resting his gaze on her.

“So that he’ll spend the rest of his life mulling over how his incompetence pushed me into a swamp? I’d rather not”, Prerna retorted, her voice edgy.

“Won’t he be thrilled to know that you did it out of your love for him?And not because you fell out of love with him?!” Rishabh counter questioned his curiosity evident in his eyes.

“No, he won’t”, her reply came quick. “I’m sure you won’t be half thrilled about Kuki jeopardizing her happiness for your own”.

“Prerna aap—

“But Kuki, on the other hand will be content. Sometimes truth is better off being hidden deep, saves someone a lot of heartache”


His eyes flew open suddenly as he recalled her incessant efforts to reach out to him, to tell him something.

“As if you’ll believe me!”


“You are way too gullible,Mrs Bajaj. Trust no one but yourself is the key to survival in this treacherous world”, he remarked shaking his head.

“And yet Mr. Bajaj,there will always be someone you won’t ever doubt, even if you have the proofs”


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