c. Deceit

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As soon as her lips found his, Rishabh stiffened in her hold as if he had been stoned by a medusa. It took Rishabh good 3 seconds to realize that the sloppy movement of lips against his was indeed Prerna kissing him.

Flustered and almost out of breath, Prerna had barely pulled her lips from his when Rishabh’s hands found the small of her back as he drove her into the wall behind and plastering her body against his, took her lips in a searing kiss.

Prerna’s eyes widened as she felt the length of his body pressed against her and an ache dawned in her nether regions.

This is insane.

But there was no stopping Rishabh, he only deepened the kiss by adjusting her face and when Prerna gasped for breath, his tongue found its chance and invaded her mouth. The burn only got worse as Prerna let her fingers thread in his locks and molding herself against his frame, closed her eyes to let the pleasure rock her system.

Never had Anurag kissed her with such intensity. Her entire body was on fire. She was near breathless now and the only air she wanted to survive on, was the one he was exhaling. She had never felt such an overpowering desire in her life. Even with Anur—

Her eyes flew open aghast as the fingers that had Rishabh’s collar bunched up in their claws now pushed against his shoulder bone in an effort to tear his body away from hers. And within the next second or so, Prerna managed  to push away Rishabh who almost let out a guttural growl as he balanced himself.

Supporting her throbbing self against the wall, Prerna looked at Rishabh whose chest was heaving almost wildly as he glared at her with an animalistic fury. That fury only highlighted his charm as he tried to comb back his hairs that had come undone owing to Prerna’s ministrations and were now disturbing his sight. He looked ravishing. That was all Prerna could think of as he glared at her offended and then bit down on his lips to control his temper.

So deeply engrossed she had been in admiring him, that she had allowed the very reason of pushing him away take the back seat. It was only when her gaze drifted over his shoulders, did she see the brunette staring at her with mouth wide agape. And the full force of what had transpired a minute ago rammed into her like a monster truck.

She had just kissed Rishabh in her full senses. Yes. Her brain totally hadn’t been bamboozled when she had literally taken Rishabh by surprise. She had been desperate. True. But she had been well aware of the step she was going to take and what consequences it was going to pose.

Nonetheless, she had done it simply because she was more than willing to regret her actions rather than cribbing over the steps not taken. She didn’t regret the kiss one bit. Rather she was regretting pushing him away. If only her brain had mustered up Anurag’s name a few seconds later so that she would’ve gotten her fill. But that goddamned guilt was always on her tail!

Ah! She had gone mad. Anurag was lying back in their room unconscious and here she was mulling over the taste that she hadn’t been able to grasp completely.

Rishabh’s taste. Wild, dark, musky and chocolaty.

She let her eyes meet Rishabh’s whose eyes had changed back to their calm counterparts and were scrutinizing her.

“Can we talk now?”She asked raising her brow as if just a second ago they hadn’t been going at each other like some animals in heat. Being a Bajaj had its perks. Control and all!

Rishabh’s eyes twinkled as he bit on his knuckles to contain his amusement in check. No wonder, she had been a Bajaj. She had the spunk. He nodded as he directed for her to step out of the room but Prerna only straightened up her spine and narrowed her eyes at him.

PreRish- OS/TS/ SS Compilations *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now