b. Tere khaatir

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Covering the corridor with long strides, as she threw open the doors, empty room winked at her and she let out a shaky breath of disbelief. Slapping her forehead, she slammed the door shut and supported her weight against the wall.

How had she forgotten? Mr. Bajaj was in Mumbai for a meeting and was scheduled to return after three days.

However, she didnt like the sound of allowing maasi's scheming another 3 days of peace. Definitely not. Determined, Prerna twisted around on her feet and throwing the door open, approached the study table and quickly picked up her phone.

However, her fingers that had been quick with their task flinched and hovered uncertainly over the green icon. Was it that urgent?! Especially when he had his hands already full with strenous deals and discussions...

Every attempt made to harm Kuki flashed in front of her eyes as she closed them to congregate her thoughts. Cherry on the top was recollection of the helplessness that had swept over her as he had slept three days straight following the accident, his cerebrum threatening to collapse if his state of stasis continued.

No! This matter was of utmost importance and demanded immediate attention.

As her forefinger shadowed the green icon, she waited with abated breath, her ears ready to pick the awkward silence of his breaths, the exact manner he would respond whenever she called. Instead, the call went on and on before the familiar voice replied on behalf of the supposedly busy customer and the call dropped.

Perplexed, she tried yet again only to knit her brows together as the ringing ceased altogether.

Switched off?! It was unlike him to be out of reach even if he was seven seas apart.

As she pondered over her next course of action, her neurons scouted Mehra's name and picking out his number from Rishabh's diary, she called the man.

Mehra had barely parted his lips when Prerna cut him short, "Where is Mr. Bajaj?Why isn't he picking up? Is he....well?"

"Ma'am, sir is rather busy and..his phone is with me", Mehra replied, his tone laced with uncertainty making prerna's heart drop. Strange. But indeed so.

"He is fine, right?" She asked, her voice giving away her fears.

"Ofcourse ma'am!"

Mehra's quick reply however did the trick and prerna heaved in a sigh full of relief. "In that case, inform him when he gets free".

"Yes ma'am"


"I waited impatiently, called fervently and yet he never picked up. Never called back"

Anurag scrutinized prerna as her last three words were drowned in misery and concern. Time did its trick well!

"And when he came back--

Prerna pressed her eyes shut and flexing her neck back recalled how dark that night had been....how red his eyes had been...


"Mr. Bajaj!" Prerna called out shooting up from the sofa in foyer where she had fallen prey to sleep while waiting for him.

He stepped past the door and into the faint glow of chandelier, his face a mask of absolute torment. His usual enigmatic eyes were puffy red as his hair fell around his face in a mess.

PreRish- OS/TS/ SS Compilations *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now