b. Disaster

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Coming to a halt right in front of reception desk, she attracted everyone's gaze. All of them stared thoroughly impressed by the intricate work on her dress and it's oddness originating from it being a traditional attire. She paid heed to none and addressed the blonde woman behind the desk, her henna painted palms tightly pressing the edges of the oak .

"Mr. Bajaj?!" She asked, her voice eager and commanding.

The receptionist gave the decked up woman a curious look, awaiting words that would follow the name uttered.

Prerna clicked her tongue. There was no time.

"I want Mr. Bajaj's room number...full name, Rishabh Bajaj..." his name rolled off her tongue in a manner so fond that her heart fluttered under the effect.

"Apologies ma'am but I am not authorised to--

"I am his wife!" Prerna hissed impatiently as woman nodded, her expressions puzzled but nonetheless looked up his name in the records and divulged his room number to Prerna.

As she saw the woman dash away, she stared curiously. She had seen this one with some other man. And the man she had claimed her husband...she positively remembered seeing him escort another. What a bewilderment! But then she was paid to work and not poke her nose in.

She ran as fast as the circumference of her heavy lehenga allowed. Her head reeled with dizziness as her heart pounded wildly, her breathing jumped up and down in her throat as her body issued a vehement demand for oxygen. She just brushed them off.

She had seen him in the evening, playing snow with a woman so gorgeous that she was affirmative that all the men in the world had to be pimps save for him. No wonder!

His carefree smile bestowed to that stranger had set her cardiac muscles into a twist.

And Miss gorgeous had her fingers almost snapped like twigs when she had dared to pinch his cheeks as they had been dented with dimples. In her dream.

Tch. Too bad!

Overall, her trip early that day had been an utter downer. As Anurag had eagerly engaged himself in making of a snow man, she had found her treacherous eyes by shear force of gravity stuck on Rishabh who engaged the woman in his company with his words. The stretch of her lips had been a proof enough!

That insolent man! How could he?! He hadn't seen her once even in his peripheral vision! Impossible. He had eyes that qualified for high tech satellites. And still!
He just didn't care enough to acknowledge her presence!

Whizzing past a door, she stopped suddenly and taking a step back verified the card number. Affirmative.

Sliding the card, she carefully stepped inside. She needed answers. And will force them out of his throat if he refused!

However the wheels turning in her head choked halfway as she registered the familiarity of her surroundings. Puzzled, she turned on her heels only to loose her balance and collide against the table. Her eyes widened as she recalled pushing him back and lashing out at him for being inappropriate.

It was their honeymoon suite!

That damned Rishabh! Thread holding her patience burned to crisp in face of her renewed ire as she turned the corner of room to enter the hallway leading to the master bedroom. He had to be there. And if she was to see him in bed with anot--

He'd better be prepared for he'd never survive the wrath she'll unleash!

Without wasting another hot wisp of air, she marched up to the door and pushed it open as it gave in to the force of her hands and she stepped inside.

PreRish- OS/TS/ SS Compilations *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now