12. Enemy

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But if you could see what my eyes can see
You would see what you mean to me
If you could feel the way my heart is beating
You can feel my energy, you keep coming back for me, you can feel my energy
I guess this is the end of me
'Cause this where we fall apart
But if I fix these broken pieces of your bleeding heart
For us to be the enemy
'Cause I don't wanna be your enemy
Do you remember when we fell in love?
"You need to go eat something, Chris. It's been days." Blessing placed a hand on my shoulder and I just shook my head. My wife is laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines because she can't breathe on her own and she worried about being hungry.

"I understand how you're feeling. That's my sister, my best friend. Starving isn't going to help though. She wouldn't want you to to do this to yourself." I stood up quickly.

"I don't wanna hear that shit! She's in a fucking coma! You can't tell me what the hell she wants and doesn't. I don't give a fuck! So shut the fuck up talking to me!" I stormed out of her hospital room and walked down the hallway. I got in the elevator and pressed the button for the main floor. When I got to the bottom floor, I saw a woman talking to the receptionist at the front desk. From the side, she kind of resembled India. When she turned her head in my direction, I saw her expression soften. She motioned to the receptionist to hold on a second and started approaching me.

"Are you Chris?" She asked me. I got a better look at her face and she was really the spitting image of India. They had almost all of the same features, except she was much taller than India and her hair was shorter.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked as nicely as possible. Although I was mad, I wasn't going to take it out on a random lady.

"You really are a handsome young man. I'm so glad my daughter got the chance to move on from that toxic boy she was with. If I may ask, how is she?" Her smile was faint, but pure hearted. My mind immediately went to Terrell.

"Are you-" I started to say.

"Precious Manory." She gave me a warm smile and my heart sunk. I didn't think I would have to meet her mother for a reason like this.

"S-She's in a coma, ma'am. Doctors don't know when she'll wake up." I swallowed a hard lump in my throat. Her smile faded and she looked down to the floor, which hurt me even more. It's one thing to be at risk of losing the love of your life, but to lose a child? I can't imagine how she's feeling.

"I just-"

"Didn't think you would meet me this way? Funny thing is, Indy was talking to me about bringing you back to New York with her so we could spend a few days together. She was so worried that you wouldn't be ready." She chuckled a little as she recounted on how her daughter was feeling.

"Wow, she never told me. Of course, I would have went with her."

"Well that's wonderful. When she gets out of this coma, don't hesitate to visit," My eyes went down to the floor at the mention of her condition. "Pick your face up off of the floor, boy. My daughter is a fighter. She will get through this. I need you to treat yourself how you treat her. When she wakes up, she needs to see you doing good for yourself. She's a survivor, now I need you to be one too." She took my hand and gave it a little squeeze as I fought back tears that urged to fall. I nodded and she released my hand, heading towards the elevator.

Everything she said was true. Maybe I shouldn't have went off on Blessing like that. I'm just stuck on the fact that somebody would do something like that to my baby. Funny thing is, we don't know who the niggas are.

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