34. Let Sh*t Go

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Fuck it, bitch, you think you slick
Imma do my own thing
I ain't bout to pay you no mind
I done did this shit over and over
And I think it's bout time I
Let this shit go
"Are you sure about this, Karin?" Savannah asked me as I got ready to head to my exit.

"Yes, I'm sure. I won't be gone too long. Just long enough to figure out what the hell is going on." I reassured her. Giving me one last wary look, she nodded.

Then I was off. On my journey to the big city. On a murder case, of course.
Just outside of Chris's house, I received a phone call from my boss. Groaning, I picked it up.

"What, Jay?" I rolled my eyes while popping my gum.

"Teaira, I don't think I can keep this shit up much longer." Jay said while seemingly out of breath.

"What are you talking about? And what's wrong with you?" I asked him. He didn't respond. I heard a loud bang in the background, and then the call ended.

"Jay? Hello?" I asked him, hoping he would pick back up or something. But he didn't.

"I don't know, ma. It's just something about that girl." I sat complaining about the abrupt amount of time that Teaira has been spending with Chris. It's been a few months now and she still coming around him like they besties or some shit. Posting him on the gram, trying to feed his daughter which never goes well, giving Chris a mess to clean up. Like I swear something is off about her.

"I understand that you have your doubts, but it's not your business, Blessing. You have to remember that Chris is a grown man, and she is a grown woman." My mom tried to convince me to let it go.

"She acts like a child! It's deeper than just the two of them hanging out too. I don't like how she decided to come around after India died. She showed up uninvited preaching about 'giving support', but ain't been nothing but a burden to this man!" I huffed, flopping back on the couch.

"Well, he seems to like her so why don't you just leave it alone?"

"He doesn't like her! She just shows up to his house, no welcome, no warning. Makes a mess, doesn't clean up, flirts nonstop, it's childish." I rubbed my temples.

"Has he talked to her about this?"

"No." I mumbled.

"What it seems to me is that you're a little more invested into this than he is. If it bothers him, he'll say something. I know he will. So for now, you just leave it alone."

"But ma-"

"Blessing." She cut me off in a stern voice. I blew out air.

"Fine." I crossed my arms.

"It was nice talking to you, baby. Love you."

"I love you too, ma." I mumbled before she ended the call.

"You know, I actually agree with you." August's voice filled my ears, startling me.

"Shit! I forgot you were here. How long have you been standing there?" I placed my hand on my heart as it beat rapidly.

"Long enough. I see why you're so worried about her." August lifted my legs and replaced the space with his own body before placing my legs across his lap.

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