Baby I can tell your future
Drop top, girl let me scoop you
And I don't wanna ever, ever lose you
Real chick, baby, I salute you
"Christopher!" India called me for the 2nd time. I was busy trying to work on my art and she keep bugging me. I ignored her and continued to paint away. Just as I thought she was done, there she goes again."Christopher Maurice Brown!" She said my full government name. Ah, shit.
After a long sigh, I stood up and marched over to our room where my pregnant wife lied down, seemingly in pain.
"Can you rub my stomach? This baby is fucking kicking my ass and won't calm the fuck down." She groaned. Huffing, I lied in between her legs, placing my head on her swollen stomach. I felt the kicks she was referring to and she was right. That kid was tryna knock my brain out of my head.
"Language. You know, I was trying to work on my art." I informed her of why I was taking so long to answer.
"I'm sorry. It just hurts a lot, and the baby only listens when you're around." She whined, running her hand through my blonde curls.
"It's okay, mamas. She just loves her daddy." I really want to have another girl. I know if it's a boy Indy just gone spoil him, and she has a way with men. Look at my whipped ass.
"Or he just wants out of here. I know he gotta be cramped, my poor baby." She pouted and rubbed her stomach, sympathizing with the child. India wants a boy just so the sex ratio in the house will be equal. Not too many females running around. I don't mind though, I love my princess.
"Was it like this with Royalty?" I mumbled against her stomach, rubbing her smooth skin with my fingers.
"Yeah. Jaiden wasn't much help either, every time he came around it just got worse." She chuckled slightly, but quickly let it fade.
"She knew then and there that wasn't her daddy. If you would have let me play my role then it probably wouldn't have been that bad." I rolled my eyes thinking about it.
"Chris." She said in a stern tone.
"I'm just saying. I don't know why you let that nigga be around her in the first place. She didn't even like him before she popped out of the wound. I don't think it's right, and he wasn't a good influence. Treating you like a damn pet, I swear that shit still blows me to his fucking day-"
My sentence was cut short when I heard sniffling on India's end. I sat up partially to see tears running down her cheeks, causing her eyes to be red and puffy. Here the fuck she go with these damn mood swings.
"Baby, why are you crying?"
"You're completely right. It was so stupid of me to put my personal issues before my child and I left her in the care of a man that didn't even care for me and- and-" Her voice was shaky as she continued to break down.
"No, baby. It's okay. It was a mistake, you're okay now." I tried to comfort her, but it wasn't doing much justice.
"It wasn't fair to you or her, you're a great fucking father and it would've been so much different if I would just shut the fuck up and listen to you sometimes. If I never moved out of Florida-" She continues to ramble on and on.
"Princess, look at me." I grabbed her by her hand and gave it a little squeeze. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and faced me with puffy eyes.
"You're an amazing mother. You care for Royalty so much and that's all that matters: We've both made mistakes in the past, but what's really important is that we learned from them. Look at us now, about to get married. Stop crying baby, it's not that serious." I kissed the top of her hand near her ring. She nodded, but looked as if she wanted to break down again.

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FanfictionIndia Manory thinks life in Queens, New York will never change. It's the same routine, same bullshit she has to put up with. But can one faithful month change her whole perspective on life itself? "Same people, same expectations. There's no room for...