48. Epilogue

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"Christian, I swear to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit if you don't get your ass over here!" India yelled as her 5 year old son ran around the house with her wig on.

"Ooh, Mommy you said a no no word." He pointed to her while giggling.

"Mommy needs to go into a time out, right Junior?" Chris asked as he swooped him up and held him on his hip.

"Right!" Christian high fived his father.

"Isn't it past your bed time?" She heightened her brow, snatching the wig off of his head.

"Daddy said me and Ro Ro could stay up with you guys." India turned her head to her daughter, who was hugging her leg.

"Oh, did he now?" She averted the attitude towards Chris who was scratching his neck.

"Yeah! And he said we could have ice cream before bed!" Royalty, who was now 9 years old, chimed in excitedly.

"Daddy didn't discuss this with me." She said through a smile and gritted teeth.

"He told us that you ain't gone do shi-" Christian almost let the word slip out, but not before Chris intervened.

"Okay! Let's get you guys to bed before Mommy murders me." He grabbed hold of Royalty's hand and began to lead the two of them to their rooms.

"No, no. It's okay, Chris. Put on a movie for them." India smiled with crossed arms. The children cheered while Chris feared for his life.

Once he settled them down and had the two of them cured up together on the couch, he knew it was time to meet his fate.

"You told them they could have ice cream before bed, Chris? Really?" She scolded him as they stood in her room with the door closed.

"Yeah, I mean it's no real harm, is it?" He didn't see the fault in his plan, which was only going to bring more ridicule his way.

"Clearly, I know my kids better than you because they both got their energy from you. Them kids will be bouncing off the walls until there's a hole in them." Chris kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes, even though he knew she was right.

"Then you told them I wasn't gone do shit, like nigga who do you think you are? I will knock your head off your damn shoulders in a split second, try it if you want to. Had my baby over there cursing and shit, what I tell yo' ass about that?"

"Me?! You were the one telling Christian to get his ass back over here if I'm correct." He raised his voice slightly.

"Stop yelling at me. That boy was running around with my wig on and would not listen to shit I said." India defended herself.

"Cheap ass weave." Chris mumbled, but quickly took it back once her hand collided roughly with the side of his head.

"You so damn hardheaded, like ugh!" She groaned in frustration before leaving the room.

"She finna stop hitting me." He muttered to himself before joining his kids and India in the living room.

"Daddy, why is your face red?" Royalty pointed to the stinging side of his freckled face. India gave him a look that silenced him from snitching on her.

"I don't know, boo boo." He lied straight through his teeth to prevent his death. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, ultimately melting both parents' hearts.

"Thank you, princess. It feels better now." He beamed and tickled her stomach, causing her to giggle.

They were about 30 minutes into the movie and Christian was knocked out cold, while Royalty was yawning up a storm.

"I think it's bed time." Chris said as he carried Royalty up to her room.

"Bed time was 30 minutes ago." India mumbled as she carried her sleeping son up to his room and lied him in his bed. She joined Chris in Royalty's room as he was tucking her into bed.

"Why don't you guys love each other anymore?" Royalty asked with a pout on her face.

"What makes you say that, baby girl?" India took a seat next to her questioning daughter.

"You guys don't hug or give each other kisses like my friends' parents do."

"Me and your mommy aren't really together, princess." Chris sighed heavily.

"Why not?" India's breath became hitched once she asked that question. They haven't really discussed their relationship with the kids and it's been a while since this conversation came up.

"I did something bad and your mommy got mad at me." Chris tried to sugarcoat it.

"What did you do?" Royalty continued to roll in the questions. After a moment of silence, he finally gave in.

"I hugged and kissed another lady, princess." It was most definitely more than hugging and kissing.

"Daddy, that's mean." Royalty frowned.

"Y-Yeah, I know." His voice cracked and the hurt on his face was inevitable.

"It's okay, princess. I forgave Daddy." India tried to make it better.

"If you forgave him, why aren't you guys together?"

This question struck the both of them like a drunk driver and a pedestrian.

"I don't know." India stared at Chris as she answered. He remained silent.

"Well figure it out so you guys can hug and kiss." Royalty said before rolling over and dozing off.

"We'll try, sweetie." India mumbled before kissing her forehead and leaving the room. As Chris prepared to go his separate way, she stopped him.

"Hey, Chris?" She placed a hand on his arm to prevent him from walking any further.

"Hm?" He hummed, looking in her promising eyes.

"Do you want to sleep in here with me tonight?"

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