So blow it in the wind
Let the sparks fly now, get your mind blown
Let the good times get your back, let the sparks fly now
We can smile and then they wonder why, we up now
So blow it in the wind
We can't let them other niggas kill the vibe
So blow it in the wind
All that bullshit, we gon' let it ride
"Thanks for today. It was nice getting to spend time with my family as a whole." I tucked a sleeping Royalty into her car seat as Chris put her bags in the trunk. I strapped her in, making sure she was secure before closing the car door. I turned to face Chris who had just shut the trunk."Anything for my baby momma." He gave me a wide close-mouthed grin, his cheekbones lifting dramatically and his smile going from ear to ear.
"I'll see you in a few weeks then."
"Yeah. Call me if you need anything."
"Of course." I stepped down into my car and closed the door, looking back at Royalty. She was still out like a light. I decided against turning on the radio so it wouldn't disrupt her placid resting. I looked out the window and Chris was standing a few inches away from the car. He saw my attention towards me and waved as I pulled off. I lifted my hand and nodded, the other on the steering wheel. I drove off into the night with blissful memories to share with the godmother and aunt of my child.
I unlocked the door to my house and the alarm system went off. I quickly covered Royalty's ears and put in the passcode, disarming it. I checked to see if she woke up, but she was still in a deep slumber. I sighed in relief, knowing the consequences of waking her up before she was ready to be awaken.
When Royalty cries, it does not stop until you play and win her little game of figuring out what she wants. Tears don't even fall out of her eyes, she just wails for attention.
I made my way upstairs and peeked into my bedroom where Jay was on the game, yelling at the screen for some odd reason. Something about a foul? Who knows.
I took Royalty to her room and carefully lied her down in her crib. To my surprise, she didn't wake up or move an inch as she usually would.
I went to my shared bedroom and kicked off my shoes, placing my purse on the nightstand. Jay turned around and looked at me, with an expression that wasn't exactly aesthetically pleasing. He placed his controller to the side and stood up, preparing himself to say something.
Please don't trip, please don't trip.
"Thought it took about 15 minutes to get to and from that niggas house." I knew this was going to surface.
"It does." I told him the truth.
"So why the hell were you gone for 2 damn hours India?!" He raised his voice slightly.
"First of all, calm all that down," I shook my head and placed my hand out. "I did other things after I got Royalty." I pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail, which I have a tendency of doing during confrontation.
"What did you do India? Or should I say what did you and that nigga do? Fucking while my child was in the same house?" I scoffed at his attempts to call me an alleged cheater. He needs to stop claiming Royalty as his. She knows her daddy now, your time is up.
"She's not your damn child. Will you shut the fuck up, please and thank you." I slipped on an old t shirt and sweatpants to sleep in.
"I don't want you going over there from now on. Clearly I can't trust you to go over there by yourself." He crossed his arms. I squinted at him because now he's sounding stupid.
"My daughter needs to see her father, Jay. I'm sure as hell not leaving my baby alone with you. You not even her daddy nigga!" I expressed to him for the fifteen hundredth time.
"So you don't trust me now?" He tried to place blame on me.
"So you don't trust me now?" I threw his allegations back in his face.
"I swear it's always something with yo' dumbass! Always wanna be somewhere you shouldn't, always being stupid!" He raised his voice once again. As I was about to speak, I was cut off by Royalty's cries from the other room. I huffed and shook my head.
"Alright, dude. Whatever. If it bothers you that much, leave. Im not tryna be tied down like some dog on a leash. Going where you wanna go, doing what you wanna do. I've been through hell and back before," I got in his face and placed my finger an inch away from the bridge of his nose. "And you don't scare me. Now I'm gone go take care of my daughter. I hope you know this conversation is over." I turned away from him and entered my wailing daughter's room. Once she saw me, she extended her arms in order for me to pick her up.
"I'm sorry, baby." I lifted her from her crib and held her in my arms, rocking the both of us side to side.
"Mommy didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep, princess." I patted her back as her crying trailed if and turned into soft hiccups. I yawned and continued to rub her back a little more until she was completely quiet. I felt her soft breath on her nap, soon turning into little snores. I thanked God under my breath and placed her back in her crib.
It's really getting stressful having an overprotective, overwhelming, clingy, possessive boyfriend when you have a whole child on your hands. Like get off my back and stop claiming my child.
I went back into the room and didn't say a word to Jay as he was back on that fucking game. I swear some niggas will go hours without eating over some stupid console. Chris wasn't like that....
I lied down and threw the covers over me, resting on the headboard. My phone vibrated from the night stand and not before hesitating, I picked it up. It was a text from Chris that read y'all get home okay?
I admired how he always made sure that I was safe instead of always tripping every time I step foot out of the house.
yeah we're good. i got in trouble tho. I rolled my eyes as I typed that sentence.
smfh. tell that nigga to hop off. you're a grown ass woman. let him know he don't scare you. I chuckled a little because Chris always gave off best friend vibes.
lmfao that's exactly what i said. he ain't finna just boss me around. nigga must be crazy.
mhm girl he must be. you tell him girl. I giggled at Chris's feminine ways. Jay whipped his head around squinting. I looked up from my phone and rolled my eyes, causing him to turn his attention back to the TV.
you a trip lmfao.
i'm just messing wit you. see you in a few weeks. love u baby momma. Love? Are we allowed to say that to each other anymore? I have a boyfriend and if I reply with what Chris is expecting from me then he'll trip. I chewed on my lip staring at the black letters encased in gray. The three dots appeared, telling me he was about to say something. He probably thought I left him in read with how long I was taking to respond.
platonically. He added. I chuckled at myself, realizing how ridiculous my overthinking was.
lol love u too baby daddy. I hit the blue arrow and pressed the power button, setting my phone back down on the nightstand.

Discover (Completed)
FanfictionIndia Manory thinks life in Queens, New York will never change. It's the same routine, same bullshit she has to put up with. But can one faithful month change her whole perspective on life itself? "Same people, same expectations. There's no room for...