Damn, too important to forget you and it's hard not to miss you
'Cause all I see is flashbacks in my bed, pillow cases, traces of your smell
This thing's going nowhere, you said you needed space but now the coast's clear
Oh, we could have had this so good, oh
"Get away from my husband and get the fuck out of my house." I heard that voice that I knew too well.Afraid to face what I've been running from for the past year, I closed my eyes tightly, praying that this bad dream would end. Yet, it wasn't a dream.
I turned around slowly, and there she was. Bloody, bruised. It was the girl I once knew, still loved, but she wasn't the same.
Her eyes were dull, lifeless, unlike how they used to twinkle every now and then. Her famine was obvious, looking as if she was too tired to stand. She was damaged, and didn't try to hide it.
Teaira was frozen in her stance just as I was. The dead had resurrected. If it was ever the dead. With no words, she grabbed her things and scurried out of the house.
"Where's my daughter?" India didn't even glance at me. She began to limp towards the hallway.
"Is she here? Royalty? Baby?" She ignored me, looking as if she were about to fall out. I hurriedly ran over to her, stepping in front of her.
"Chris, move. Let me see her." She tried to get past me, but I wouldn't budge.
"India, we need to get you cleaned up." I tried to calm her down.
"Please, I just want to see her. Please." Her voice cracked.
"Let me see my baby. Please, I need to see my daughter." India broke down crying as she fell to her knees. I got down on the floor and held her as the tears continued to fall down her bruised face. Shedding a few tears of my own, I held her as tight as her now tiny body would allow me to.
"What's the emergency? I got over here as quick as I could." I said as I barged into Chris's house. He was sitting on the couch, contemplating something. He looked as if he had been crying."She's here." He said in a low tone.
"Who's here? Chris, what's wrong?" I came closer to him. He shook his head and stood up, going to Royalty's bedroom. He motioned towards the room.
I walked into the doorframe and to my biggest surprise, there was my sister. Holding Royalty in her arms. Her figure was much more slender, her hair was short, but I knew it was her.
"Precious?" I spoke in a soft voice. She whipped her head around and gave me a soft smile.
"Hi, Blessing." She said almost in a whisper. I clamped a hand over my mouth, struggling to process everything that was happening. India placed Royalty down in her crib, and turned around slowly.
I approached my sister, softly encasing her in my arms, letting the built up tears cloud my vision as I sobbed on her shoulder. She rubbed my back repeatedly, the exposed skin feeling the coolness of her hands.
Once my nerves calmed themselves, I released her from my grasp to take a look at her. She had a cut underneath her lip and large bags underneath her eyes.
"I thought you were gone." I croaked.
"I wouldn't do that to you guys. Terrell was crazy for thinking that." She chuckled a little.

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FanfictionIndia Manory thinks life in Queens, New York will never change. It's the same routine, same bullshit she has to put up with. But can one faithful month change her whole perspective on life itself? "Same people, same expectations. There's no room for...