And you know I love you
No matter, I'm right here waiting for you
It ain't 'bout the money, it ain't about the fame
It ain't 'bout the chase and it ain't about the games
You play hard to get
Baby, I just need you like you need me
Falling head over heels for you is easy
Ooh, I love your name, I hope you feel the same
(Y'all it was so hard picking a part from the song to place in here 😩 I love this song so much and all the parts fit so perfectlyyy 😭)
"Guys, I don't wanna shop anymore. I wanna go home and be with my baby." I whined as we trudged through the mall."Bitch, it's your birthday! Let us spoil you, please and thank you." Olivia seemed to be more excited than I was about me living another year. I groaned and slouched down, feeling like the 6 or 7 bags I had were 100 pound weights.
"Let's go in Forever 21! I'm sure you'll find someth-" I threw my hands up and shook my head as soon as I heard Forever 21.
"No, no, no. Olivia, Blessing, I appreciated that you guys want me to have a great birthday, but I don't want to do this. I'm going back to the car." I placed 3 of the bags on my right arm and pivoted, walking towards the exit.
"Wait! Let's at least go to the food court first! We'll get something to eat, ice cream, maybe a little Starbucks, and then we'll let you go. Deal?" Blessing spoke from behind me. I could really go for a frappe right now. I pivoted and faced my friends with a grin on my face. Blessing sighed in relief and Olivia cheered, making me giggle.
I chose to get a Subway sandwich and a Coke. Of course, Olivia wouldn't let me pay for it. I don't like being catered to, I can fend for myself. I appreciate it, but I don't really want or need it.
After I scarfed down my sub and finished off my Coke, and the ice that was in it, I was really having the taste for that frappe. The only thing between me and that Starbucks stand was a 3 foot wall and a ramp. The three of us stood up and got in the unnecessarily long line. I didn't care about the length though, as long as I get my drink before we leave. I may sound crazy, but I have a scary addiction to caffeine. I've died down on it lately, but it's my birthday. I'm gonna get my damn coffee.
About 10 minutes into standing in line, I started to question if it was worth the wait. I mean I've had the drink several times, I know what it tastes like. I know how they make the drink because I have a habit of watching a little too intently as they prepare it. I could really get these coffee grinds and go home. No, I'd still have to stand in line to pay for them. There are 5 people ahead of me, 1 couple, a woman with who I'm assuming is her child, and 3 individuals just waiting to get their afternoon/evening dose of caffeine.
Finally, I reached the front of the line and there was just one more person I had to wait on. Free drinks? Best gift ever. I glanced over at Olivia who had her head buried into her phone, and Blessing who was doing the same. The man in front of me received his drink and it was finally my long awaited turn.
"Hi, it's my birthday today." I flashed the barista a toothy grin and he matched my energy, his dimples poking at the sides of his cheeks.
"Happy birthday! Complimentary drinks on us. What can I get you, beautiful?" He complimented me with not just his words but his overall demeanor. I blushed a little, but brushed off his words and focused on ordering my drink.
"Can I get a grande caramel frappuccino with extra caramel?" I stared at my order, minus the extra caramel, up on the menu, making it seem like I didn't know what I was ordering. It's a habit I have.

Discover (Completed)
FanficIndia Manory thinks life in Queens, New York will never change. It's the same routine, same bullshit she has to put up with. But can one faithful month change her whole perspective on life itself? "Same people, same expectations. There's no room for...