Chapter 2

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So whats going to happen now? Asked Tyler

Well responded Mike sighing. We don't know how long its going to take sort everything out, all the water needs to be drained before there can be any assessment of the damage. For now its not safe for anyone to go inside the building and our first priority is to sort out temporary accommodation for you all

Does that mean we're gonna be sent to other care homes? questioned Jody

Well,not necessarily. Some of you will be going to Graybridge and others will be going to emergency foster placements.

Who's going where? demanded Ryan

There are still a few things to confirm replied May Li but it looks like Taz, Candi-Rose, Floss, Ryan and Jay will be going to Stoneybridge. I will be coming to help out the Stoneybridge staff

What! No! I'm not being split up from Chloe shouted Ryan. Where is she going to be staying? I want to stay with her!

Everyone erupted into questions and exclamations

Quiet! Shouted Mike Let May-Li finish and then we will answer questions

Bird, Finn, Joseph and Chloe  are going to emergency foster placements and Tyler, Charlie and Alex will be going to a halfway house.

What but we're not old enough protested Charlie

We are well aware of that but in the circumstances an exception has been made. It is only temporary. Unfortunately we couldn't organise emergency foster placements or care home places for everyone and it has been agreed with your social workers and the halfway house staff that the three of you are more than capable of staying at the halfway house for a couple of weeks

Can't I go with Chloe? asked Ryan desperately. 

I'm sorry there isn't enough space for both you with the foster family and Stoneybridge isn't fully wheelchair accessible, so its not suitable for Chloe.

It doesnt matter. I'll go with Chloe to the foster home. I can sleep on a sofa, on a floor, wherever. As long as I'm with Chloe, thats all that matters.

I'm sorry but you know that's not possible. 

I'll be fine on my own, Ryan. You dont need to worry about me. reassured Chloe. 

Ryan got up and walked off shaking with rage and anger. His jaw was clenched and it took all the strength he could summon to stop himself from crying.

What about me and Jody, you haven't said whats happening to us questioned Sasha curiously

Well, I did want to discuss the arrangements with you both privately. began Mike hesitantly

I don't see why? Everyone else knows where each other is going retorted Jody

Well Sasha you will be going with Dexter when your mum comes to pick him up.

What why?

Because you are going home, just temporarily.

But I said I didn't want to move back home.

We know. It only for a few weeks. As mike said we couldn't organise emergency placements for everyone and your mum has been deemed fit to look after you for some time now.

Sasha stormed off.

Sasha called May Li as she got up and followed her

What about me? Piped up Jody although she had a pretty good idea what the answer was going to be

You are going to stay at your mums replied Mike

Jody sat in silence, the words ringing in her ears, unable to process what Mike had just said.

Everyone finished their food in silence.

Right everybody out to the front of the house announced Mike. If you are going to Stoneybridge or the halfway house go to the minibus, May Li is taking you.

Everybody trailed out to the front of the house and those going to Stoneybridge started climbing into the bus.

There was several more cars in the drive and social workers waiting to take their clients to their placements.

Jody, I'm going to drop you off at your mums. I just need to sort out Sasha and Chloe first. Explained Mike

Are you ok Jods? Asked Tyler coming over and putting his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off

Yeah I'm fine she muttered

If you don't want to go to your mums, maybe you can come with me to the Halfway house

Mike and May Li have made their decisions. I don't think they'll change their minds replied Jody meekily

Mike returned from seeing off Sasha and Chloe and Jody climbed into the back of his car. Tyler ran round and grabbed hold of the car door as Mike went to climb in.

Mike I want a word with you before you go

Cant it wait?

No, it will just take a minute

Fine, but it really has to be just a minute replied Mike climbing back out of the car and closing the door

Are you sure this is what's best for Jody? asked Tyler as soon as the car door was closed and he knew Jody couldn't hear

Tyler, I know you are concerned for your friend but things have been going well between Jody and Denise in their contact meetings and the social worker is happy for her to return home temporarily

What about Jody? I don't think shes happy with this and surely that should be what matters

Look we don't have any other option. And it seems that you're the one that's not happy with the decision, not Jody.

Mike, you know her past with her mum has been difficult. I just wish Jody was coming to the halfway house with me. She needs me and I can look out for her if we were staying together

Look, I know you are concerned about Jody but she will be fine. Right now, I need you to keep an eye on Charlie and Alex. They are both a lot newer than you and going to the halfway house is bound to be very unsettling. So do me a favour, concentrate on looking out for them for me.

But Mike protested Tyler

Look I have to go. Please just do what I've asked and look after the others

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