Chapter two

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I peered around the corners of the hallway and made my way to my locker. Mine was located on the far right so it was always deserted. I took out my Biology notebook and began walking to class, a hand reached upon my shoulders and I could feel the warmth underneath my sweater.

"I think this is the best time for me to introduce myself." He smiled crookedly, placing one hand on the either sides of my head as I spun around to meet his eyes. My heart raced quicker as he scanned my face, from my eyes to my nose and to my lips. I could hear his light heartbeat as well.

"We're going to be late though?" I asked, creasing an eyebrow. His lips were drawn back over his gleaming teeth, forming a smirk and he chuckled lightly. Oh, here comes the shivers.

"It's Biology, nothing important." He spoke with a monotone voice, causing me to shiver at his cold tone.  He's got butterscotch mint eyes with golden irises, a perfectly crooked smile,  golden hair spiked up and he wore a button up shirt with jeans - pressing down to his body, his fair skin glowed from the peaks of the sun. He was tall,  like huge. 

"So, I'm William West. I live in Flakerwood as well, I play sports a lot. Maybe we can meet up sometime." He snarled, his butterscotch orbs gleaming by the peaks of the reflecting light, causing me to stare deep into his eyes. His body was slightly pressed to my hips as he was leaning sideways, looking at me. And that explains his height, he probably plays basketball or something.

"S-sure I guess." I stuttered, a tiny smile formed on his face and there it was, his astounding eye smile. I swear I gasped a little just looking at it. His overall structure is just God-like, no human being could be this perfect, ever.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and I was pulled away from William's presence. From a distance, William's face hardened and as I looked to the stranger and back to William, he was gone. Like he just vanished into thin air or something.

"Hey, I'm Tony, saw you by the Physics class earlier, want to eat together during lunch?" He smirked, but it really didn't hit me. His face was way too innocent for a flirty tone. His hazel eyes looked straight into my brown ones, his spiky ochre hair made his lips stood out. He waited for an answer but I simply shook my head and walked away. I went into biology, and William wasn't there. Oh well, I fade into the background, hoping the teacher wouldn't find out I was late. William was right, he looked like he was having a weird fight with himself cause his lips were moving.

I took out a novel and began reading. It was odd though, I got distracted most of the time through my reading session, I never thought I'd put my book down - this never happened before. I stood up abruptly and ran out of the door - still no sign of William. Warm fear pooled in my stomach as the hallway remained silent, I ran to the field and still - no sign.

Why was I panicking? This is just so unlike me. My mind was everywhere, I was still pacing around, I did not for a second thought of stepping out of school grounds. Nope, not getting into trouble for him. Besides, what was the point? He did not mean anything to me, I was just afraid he got into trouble or something. My heartbeat softened and I slowly walk back to class, both hands in my pockets and my head down.


School passed by quickly, I was waiting by the field and that's when I saw Tony, not William. My shoulders felt weak and I just didn't want to see his expression right now since I turned down his offer of joining him during lunch. My dad honked his car and I paced towards him. As I reached inside I kissed him on the cheek and he started driving. 

"How was your first day sweetie?" He asked, focusing on the road.

"It was.. Sensible, I guess. Couldn't have been better." I sighed, leaning my head on the windshield and faking a smile as my dad seemed to glance back at me a lot. He had his arms pulled out of the window like an old farmer. He pulled the brakes and I leaped out of the vehicle, waiting to hide in the comforts of my own bed where I could read in peace and hopefully nothing would come along distracting that moment.

"Dress up nicely, we're going for dinner with an old pal of mine." He yelled as I was already making my way up the stairs and towards my bedroom. The thought of another dinner evening with another one of his friends made me dizzy. I couldn't contain it, I wasn't even sure why I was feeling this way, for now nothing was in my mind. Just feelings piling up after one another and it just combines and becomes a big mush. Before I knew it, I fell into deep slumber.


"Rose, wake up. You have 20 minutes to get ready, hurry please." The whispers of my dad placed a spell on me, I immediately pounced out of my bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. I curled my deep brown hair and picked out a simple white dress with floral cut outs on the cleavage area. I didn't mind the opening but it was a really cute design, plus when you actually wear it, it isn't so bad.

I was a little lazy to put on some heels so I went with flats instead. I picked out a white velvet one and slipped them on, jumping into the vehicle where my father put on a stern face, waiting for me. He then raced to a restaurant which I found out soon after was called 'Horizon'. He parked the car and I leaped out, I was famished as the waiter lead us to our seats. Dad's friend was already here and so was the food. Wow, great timing Rose, late again. I took a seat next to an empty one and my dad started a friendly conversation. He started looking down at me with the 'Be good' face.

"So Tim, meet my daughter Rosalie, but she prefers to be called Rose." He smiled. His chunky green eyes were bright and warming, I grinned at him immediately.

"Nice to meet you, Rose, I'm so glad to have you joining us today. How do you like your new neighborhood? Picked it out just for you because I know you like pretty views of the sunset and such." He said, sipping into his ice tea.

"Oh, it's very pretty. You're our house agent yes?" I asked, still quite confused.

"Yes, I'm glad you like it." He laughed.

"Thank you as well, i'm glad we live around the corner. We can go fishing together." Dad added. I glared at him and dad shrugged. Tim seemed to realize what I meant and he cleared his throat.

"That is, when he's feeling better." My dad tensed and put his head down. He hated when I worry over him like this, but I couldn't just let him do whatever, ever since my mother died I was the one looking after him. I'm not putting him in the same position as mom. I decided to change the topic a little.

"Oh where does he live?" I asked.

"Right next to us, speaking of which, where's William?"

The name struck me, it struck me hard. My blood boiled and my forehead started to clam up. I stared at my dad but he didn't seem to catch it, he just continued chatting with Tim.

"He's in the bathroom, washing up probably. That kid always wants a first good impression out of everything. Silly boys." He replied, my dad finally took a glance at me and I gave him a look. He just creased his eyebrows together and I simply shook my head, obviously quite annoyed that he did not tell me any of this. The tension did not stop at all, I was shaking a lot and my outfit felt pretty drenched right now.

I hear light muffled steps from the back and my dad stood up, clearing his throat.

"William West, nice to finally meet you."

Oh well, this is going to be a long night.

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