If There Were Chirren Involved

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Hey readers! So this chapter is MY thoughts and logic if the Marvel MALES had chirren (children). I didn't put any females because the males determinate the sex of the baby. If you disagree, that is okay. We all have different thoughts. Please write your thoughts if you agree or disagree. Don't criticize my thoughts or my logic please. If any of these guys have kids on screen or in real life, ignore that please. I am going off make characters personality and who they are as a person and what they've done. Enjoy!

• Tony Stark/Ironman •

I can see Tony Stark having a girl because it's karma and irony (HAHAHA! 😂😂😂). Tony likes woman and booze, especially if he mixes them together. It's make sense because if a guy breaks hearts wherever he goes, he's going to be wiping them off his little girl one day. It's pay back.

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• Steve Rogers/Captain America •

I can see Steve having a boy. Mainly because I can't see him with a daughter. I can see someone looking at his son and saying, while slapping him on the back, "You're just like your old man, boy." And, to be honest, I imagine Steve's son would be like Bucky. He would be tall and level headed like Steve but protective and would fight beside his best friend. It just makes sense.
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• Bruce Banner/Hulk •

I honestly can see Bruce with a baby girl. It's karma cause he is always running from love and is too scared he'll hurt someone. He's always afraid to get close. But if he had a daughter, he would be protective over her. It would change the game per say. She would be like him a lot, only more gentle.

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• Clint Barton/Hawkeye •

I can see Clint having either. If Clint has a son, he would be a dumbass. He would try to do dangerous, crazy things to impress girls and Clint would have to jump in and save him. BUT if Clint had a girl, she would be just like him. Only, his daughter would be overly confident and too eager. She would want to be just like Clint and do heroic epic things but would endanger herself and need to be rescued by her dad. A lot. Both kids, boy or girl, would eventually learn that they need to be patient and learn from the master.

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• Thor •

Okay, this one is a doozy! I can see Thor having twins. The first born of the twins would be a beautiful baby girl. She would be just like Thor. Abnormally tall, long blonde hair, a badass warrior, sweet smile, a bit arrogant, always wanting to impress her father. But his second born, would be a son. His son would resemble Loki & Hela. He would have dark hair, be a bit scrawny, and would be a troublemaker. Knowing how horrible Odin raised Loki & Hela, Thor would love his son and treat him equally with his golden child of a sister. Thor would love both his children and try to be involved in their opposite interest as much as he can. He would be a good father.

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• Loki •

I can see Loki with a daughter. I can see this because if he had a daughter, she would be the very opposite of him. She would be sweet, caring, and gentle. So precious. She would be the only thing he made that wasn't out of hatred or destruction. She would be the only good thing (Besides Thor & Hela) that he has, but he created this gentle child so it means so much more.

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• Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldiers •

I can't see Bucky having any kids. He's more like the Uncle who is still recovering from war trauma. But if I HAD to say what he would have, I would have to say a son. I can kinda see Bucky with a daughter, considering he loved the ladies back in his day, but a son makes more sense to me. His son would be like Steve. He would be skinny and smaller, always getting into trouble. Steve's son would be his best friend and would be his protector. Basically, Steve and Bucky's sobs would have their personalities but flipped? Bucky's son would be like Steve and Steve's son would be like Bucky. I hope you get it.

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• King T'Challa/Black Panther •

I think T'Challa would have a son. I honestly think it's because T'Challa would pass his throne to his son and his son would look up to him the way T'Challa did with his father.

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• Wade Wilson/Deadpool •

I think Wade would have a daughter. It's karma cause Wade is obsessed with sex and women so it makes sense. She would be just like him tho.

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• Logan/Wolverine •

I think a girl because he loses every woman he loves but if he had a daughter, it would be because he runs away when he loses the women he loves.

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• Peter Parker/Spider-Man •

I can only see him with a son. His son would be just like him.

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• Peter Quill/Starlord •

He would have a girl. One word: Karma. He sleeps with women and flirts with more after he leave them. He's also an idiot so that makes sense too. Peter would have a daughter who was just like him and that would drive him crazy. Her excuse is "well you do it too!"

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• Sam Wilson/Falcon •

I can see Sam having a son cause I can hear him saying "OH HELL NAH!" every time his son lets himself get involved and busted in another one of Bucky's sons schemes. His son would be shy and awkward but would grow to be a heroic, sexy man who gets more ladies than half the boys in the neighborhood.

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• Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver •

I can see Pietro having twin girls. He treats his sister, Wanda, like a precious angel and is over protective of her. Can you imagine him with daughters? Him screaming "Didn't see this coming motherf***er!" at his daughters dates at prom.

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• Scott Lang/Ant-Man •

I can see Scott with a son. I can't can okay?!

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• Dr. Stephan Strange •

This one is hard. REALLY hard. But I would have to say Strange would have a daughter. I feel like he would love her so much and take her on daddy-daughter dates. But I also feel like as Strange teacher her magic, she'll become evil and try to take over the universe. Strange has to choose between the universe and his baby girl. Then Strange would be forced to put her in a spell enchanted dungeon for the rest of eternity. It would break his heart every moment of everyday of his life.

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