First Time w/ King T'Challa

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this is sexual but short. if you're not comfortable with this, keep scrolling. I warned you 👀

       After a long mission, everyone went to their quarters—that is, all except T'Challa. He snuck into your bedroom and heard your shower running. Feeling funny, T'Challa runs into your bathroom, slamming the bathroom door open. You scream, peaking your head out of the shower curtain.
          "T'Challa, is what the hell?!" You scream at him.
        T'Challa rushed to your shower and opened he curtains. You immediately cover yourself, not trying hard to actually hide anything. T'Challa quickly steps into the shower, slamming you against the shower wall and pinning you there. His hot breath fans over your face.
          "That little stunt you pulled in the abandoned warehouse—kissing Romanoff to make me jealous—that was disrespectful." T'Challa smirks at you sexily, "And I'm going to make you pay for it."
           "Actually, T'Challa—" T'Challa smashes his lips onto yours, your naked body pressed against his fully clothed one.
            You automatically wrap your leg around his. T'Challa lets go of your wrist, pulling his pants down. You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into the passionate kiss. T'Challa begins to thrust inside of you, making you moan loudly.
            "Challa!" You scream, loving how hard he thrust you. Trying to punish you for what wasn't intended for him. "So good...."
            T'Challa continues to screw you, making out and slamming you against the wall. Suddenly, you hear a loud sound from behind you. You both stop and turn to see Natasha standing there with wide eyes and a horrified look on her face. A towel wrapped tightly around her nude body.
              "Nat!" You say in shock, pushing T'Challa away from you. "T'Challa came in on me! I didn't—"
             "It's okay, (Y/N)." She nods awkwardly with pink cheeks, walking out quickly. "I guess you're not ready to have a girl on girl experience yet."
                Your mouth drops. "You can join us, Nat!"
              "No way!"

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