How You Met- Tom Hiddleston |One-Shot|

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I S sHey readers! This is an emotional read as it was to write it. All I want to say to my readers is to be kind to spread kindness because it really makes a difference in our world. Please comment your thoughts about his chapter below and know I am open to my readers recommendations.

P.S. Tom used to be a waiter so he knows the value of kindness to all people.

          It was a big night. Even for a Saturday night, you had to work the late shift at the restaurant you now work at. You were waitressing for his table and his mates were getting quite rowdy. You served them drinks and took their orders. Tom knew you wanted to ask for an autograph, he waited for you to ask but you never did. Which surprised him. The thing is, you didn't want to ask because you wanted him to have a dinner without him being recognized. You started to serve his table when one of his mates got angry and hit his hand on the plate and flipped it all over you. You were so embarrassed! You had tomato juice all over your uniform, your face, and hair. You automatically started cleaning up because, well, you don't have hat else know WHAT to do.
        "Sir, I'll bring you another one on the—" Suddenly, an alcoholic drink is poured all over you.
        "Damn girl!" The man says angrily at you, drunk. "Can't even get my order right!"
           Tom stares at you in sympathy and horror. He rises from his seat angrily.
          "Marcus, stop!" Tom shouts at his mate, "You're the one who bloody spilled the damn thing on this poor girl!"
          Embarrassed at the scene that has been made, you rush to the kitchen to puke. You're a sensitive soul who hates being put on the spot. And gosh darn it! You had been put on the spot in the worst way possible.
The manager came to you and asked you if you were okay. When you said yes, he jumped down your throat about how YOU embarrassed the restaurant and how you're fired. You try to explain and defend faQAqayourself but it's no use. You quickly collect your things and walk out the back of the restaurant. You walk out to the bus bench, waiting for your ride home.
Suddenly, someone sits beside you. You smile at them before doing a double take. Your eyes grow wide at the sight before you. Your heart pounding. Tom freaking Hiddleston is sitting next to you!
You awkwardly nod to him. "Hi again."
"Are you alright?" Tom says concerned.
You shrug. "I guess."
Tom slowly nods. "I am incredibly sorry for my mate. He's quite drunk."
"Yeah, well, he didn't have to be such a jerk." You say annoyed.
"Tom." He extends a hand.
Even though you want to shake his hand, you remain stubborn. "(Y/N)."
Tom smirks. "Beautiful."
"What do you want?" You say with a lump in your throat.
"I wanted to apologize for my friends actions." Tom says shyly, "And to ask you if you were okay."
                 You nod. "Thank you, I've been better."
               "I understand your position in waiting tables, (Y/N). I too have had to wait tables before, my customers treated me disrespectful as well." Tom tries to comfort you, "I don't mean to be so forward, but would you like to grab a drink? My treat."
              You smirk. "I don't drink, but I wouldn't mind the company as I walk home." 
            Tom smiles at you, nodding. "If you request." 

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