You Run Into Your Ex-Anthony Mackie |One-Shot|

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Hey readers! Please comment in the box below to tell me your thoughts on this chapter. I hope you enjoy the One-Shot read! It'll make you laugh. Have a wonderful day 😁

        So you decided late at night that you wanted to go for a drive. Mackie agreed to drive you, but not without cussing up a hilarious storm. He had to stop at a gas station before going on your journey back home. Dawn had broke and you both were exhausted. You ran in to pay for gas and get coffee. As Mackie filling the car up with the gas, you ran to get coffee. Suddenly, a firm hand is placed on your shoulder. You automatically get tense and shove them away.
        "Hey, Hey, Hey! It's okay (a cringe nickname)." The spins of his voice makes you physically wince.
        You slowly turn to see your ex, Trevonte (pronunciation: trey-von-tay) stands there with his same goofy grin on his oddly shaped face. The last time you saw Trevonte, your former stunt double was behind him with a dildo strapped onto her. Yeah, I know.
          "Wow." You say sarcastically, "Trevonte, what a surprise!"
            Trevonte smiles with his even goofier laugh and crooked teethed smile. You cringe and turn back towards the coffee machine, flashing your engagement ring his way. Trevonte takes a step back from you when he sees the ring.
            "Oh so you're married now, huh?" Trevonte says with a snarl.
             You don't even explain, you just go along with it. "Yup, and he's never had to pay someone to shove a dildo up his fine ass."
             Trevonte smirks. "I had a fine ass?"
              "No, you're ass is as flat as Africa's savanna." You say, trying not to laugh. Failing.
             "You know, (Y/N), you're a real bitch now." Trevonte says spitefully.
              You put your hand to your chest, smiling. "Thank you."
              You finish your coffee up and walk up to the counter to pay. When you start to walk out of the gas station,you can see Anthony staring at you with a look on his face. When you get in the car, Anthony doesn't give you time to even put on your seatbelt.
            "Who the hell was that?!" Anthony growls angrily, tired.
             "It's okay Anthony." You sigh, "I flashed him my ring and he said 'oh sorry, didn't see it'."
              Anthony's face twist into a sassy expression. "Oh he didn't see it? Well TELL THAT MOTHERFUCKER HIS BALLS BE SAGGING AND HE AIN'T EVEN 60 YET!"
              You burst out laughing, covering your mouth as Anthony stares at you seriously. You hand him his coffee and he starts to drive off.

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