You Run Into Your Ex- Robert Downey Jr. |One-Shot|

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So Robert is a romantic, okay? He realized that he loved you when he first met your parents at the Kentucky Derby picnic. So for your three year anniversary as a couple, he decided to have picnic dinner at the park. Adorable, right? Well, at least, it was until your ex showed up out of no where. You and Robert were just sitting on the cute picnic table that he bought not even twenty minutes ago, he was pouring a sparkling drink for you, sweet talking how wonderful you are when your ex, Ben, was jogging by. He stopped when he saw you and HAD the nerve to walk over.
When you saw Ben, you immediately said "SHIT!"
"(y/n)!" Ben said with his same old goofy grin.
Robert looked between the both of you confused. Waiting for you to introduce him. But the sight of Ben takes you back to the good ole memories that you used to miss most about your former relationship.
"Ben?" You fake a laugh, "Wow! Fancy meeting you here."
Robert gives you a look. "Fancy? Since when do you use words like 'fancy'?"
"Ben, this is Robert my boyfriend." You say awkwardly, ignoring Robert's comment. "Robert, this is—"
Robert puts his hand up. "Wait, wait, hold up! Are you Ben? Ben from the photobooth Ben?"
Ben grins. "Yeah, that's when (Y/N) had our first kiss—"
"You know, that information won't intimidate me whatsoever." Robert blurts out, "So please don't try to bring up the past. I know EXACTLY why (Y/N) dumped you on your flat ass."
You give your boyfriend a look. "You noticed his ass?"
Robert turns to you, giving you a sassy look. "Hun, I'm talking to this dipshit right now. No need for side conversation, thank you."
You roll your eyes with a smile as Robert continues to talk to Ben.
"Hey! I was a good boyfriend to (Y/N)." Ben says annoyed.
"Well, you turned out to be a shit show of a boyfriend, so I had to take over and do the job for you." Robert says with a smirk at the end, putting his hand on your back as he pulls you close. "Now if you excuse me, Mr. Ben the Dipshit, I have some romancing to do to MY girlfriend who loves ME, not you."
Then Robert finished off with a cocky smile.

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