You Get Into A Fight - Jeremy Renner |One Shot|

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So readers, the YOU GET INTO A FIGHT chapters are Breakup chapters without the breakup. I couldn't find other reasons to breakup than what I publish. I'm sorry but I hope the "fight" will be satisfyingly close enough to a breakup chapter. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter and I am open for recommendations as well! Enjoy my lovelies ☺️❤️

Requested by @Jai-lin

       It was 1:30 a.m. and you were in your closet trying to put together a sexy outfit for tomorrow's banquet for your niece. You had all day but you were lazy and watched cooking shows instead. Procrastination is one of your weaknesses as a person.
          The light woke Jeremy up. Well, that and, the fact he reached over for a warm body, and ended up feeling the empty space of a cold bed. Jeremy got up and stumbled to your closet, where you had three outfits picked out and were deciding on a fourth.
         "What the hell, (Y/N)?" Jeremy says tiredly to you, "What are you doing up?"
            "I'm trying to find a sexy outfit so I can rub that bitch Callie McAlliser the wrong way at the banquet." You say spiteful with crosses arms, "Which looks the sexiest, Sweetheart? Now be honest!"
         "You know what'd be even sexier?" Jeremy says with a look in his eye, a smirk on his face.
         Your face goes blank, your eyes wide. Jeremy is a sexy man but when he talks to you in a sexy way....DAMMNNNNN! You could melt in his hands.
        "What?" You say innocently, biting your lip.
         Jeremy walks over and gets right in your face, staring down at you lustfully. You can already feel the heat between your legs as he puts his hands on your hips and pulls you even closer.
         "If you were in my bed..." Jeremy says slowly, his sexy expression fading away to annoyance "asleep."
You glare at him. "Ha ha, very funny Jeremy."
"Go to bed, (Y/N)!" Jeremy turns to go back to the bedroom. "Come on."
"I have to figure out what to wear tomorrow at the banquet!" You say to him in a dramatic manner.
"Sweetie, you had all day today to figure that shit out and what did you do? You say around and watched cooking shows all day!" Jeremy shouts.
            "Because that's my favorite past time!" You fire back at Jeremy, whose went to the bathroom to pee.
                "You always do this, (Y/N)!" Jeremy shouts from the toilet, "You wait until last minute, when it's inconvenient, and you go overboard like it's a contest."
                 You roll your eyes. "Because that bitch Callie MAKES it a contest!"
              Jeremy steps out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes and groaning at you. "Why can't I just have a normal girlfriend who wants simple things as I do?"
             OUCH! That hurt you. You know you can be a bit overboard, which gets you into trouble a lot, but Jeremy has NEVER said he wished you'd change. He's always adored all the little things about you that even you hate the most about yourself. You stand there in shock, staring at Jeremy sadly.
           "You wish I'd change?" You say softly.
               Jeremy whips around to you angrily. "I wish you'd just come to bed and figure shit out from now on!"
                You pout your lip at him. "Well, maybe you'd be happier if I wasn't such an inconvenience!"
              Jeremy dramatically raises his hands up and lets them slap his sides. "Finally! You're getting he idea."
              You nod and quickly begin to grab your things from your apartment. Jeremy flips the light on to see what you're up to this time. When he sees you packing, he begins to panic. 
               "(Y/N), what are you doing?" Jeremy says softly.
                "I won't be an inconvenience to you anymore!" you cry in a child like tone. "I'm leaving."
Jeremy shakes his head. "Sweetie, calm down! I didn't mean—"
"Don't tell me to calm down Renner!" You shout in a squeaky voice.
After you've packed your clothes for a couple days, you head towards the front door. Jeremy has went back to slip his sweatpants on. But when he reaches the front door, you're gone. He stands there feeling helpless.
The door opens and you step back in, giving Jeremy hope. He smiles at you happily, wiping his tears.
"This is my apartment, YOU leave!" You shout in your squeaky voice, putting your hands on your hips.
              "(y/n)—" Jeremy pleads.
             "Leave!" You scream.
              Jeremy stares at you for a minute before going back to the bedroom to get his t-shirt and hoodie. Before you know it, Jeremy is gone. Tears escape your eyes at his absence.


               It'd been a week since you had your fight with Jeremy. It was a bad one too. You'd missed him so badly but you were too stubborn to say you're sorry. That pride of yours! But none of the less, you miss Jermey badly. It's so bad, you wondered if you two had broken up.
You decided to do the most girly/relaxing thing you could think of: take a bubble bath while sipping wine and watching Frozen. Yeah, it was the best you could do to make you feel better. But then you hear a loud sound inside your apartment, like someone breaking in. You were frozen (haha I'm so puny 😂) with fear, unsure what to do.
         Suddenly, your bathroom door burst open. You scream at the top of your lungs, spilling the wine on your all white bathroom tiles. Jeremy stands in the doorway huffing.
           "Jeremy? WHAT THE HELL!" You scream at him angrily, feeling your heart race in your chest.
            Jeremy shakes his head. "I can't handle this space between us anymore!"
            Your wild man rushes over to the tub, fully clothed (boots, jeans, a Zeppelin t-shirt, and a flannel) and jumps into the tub with you. He roughly kisses you, one hand grasping the tub and the other holding your jaw. You wrapped your arms around his neck and giggled into Jeremy's rough, intense kiss.

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