Family Style (WinterIron)

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So I got a request for this. A post-Endgame au. In which Tony will not be dead. There's a whole long explanation for that I'll put at the bottom, but suffice to say, Tony lost his right arm using the gauntlet. Pepper then left him because she was tired of his dangerous superhero life. (If you want a better explanation of her thoughts, look up Father Brown s6e5 Lady Felicia's farewell speech). He found out Steve had gone back to the 1950s and left Bucky, who had been his crush, and so Tony asks out Bucky. At this point, Tony has been dating Bucky for three months and is raising Morgan. Enjoy.

Tony sat in his lab, checking the time. In five minutes, Morgan would get home from pre-K. Tony had hated the idea of sending away his little girl for five hours a day, but Bucky assured him it would be good for her. So Tony sat waiting at home for her every day, ready to hear all about her day. He heard a door slam somewhere downstairs and immediately shot to the door. Bucky had picked up Morgan today, and he came in carrying the small girl in his human arm and her backpack with his metal one. Tony moved to take her backpack from Bucky's hand, but stopped when he saw her tears.

"What's wrong, punkin? Come here." Tony didn't like seeing his precious daughter cry. He gently took her from Bucky and hugged her.

"Th- the older k-k-kids were- the older kids were teasing me! Th- they said I d-didn't belo-belong in m-m-m-middle school cl-classes," Morgan sobbed into Tony's shoulder. He quickly kissed her forehead.

"Babygirl, it's amazing to be so young and be taking big fourth grade classes. You do belong there. You're so smart, you already finished your class work that leads up to fourth grade. I couldn't hold you back if I wanted! Don't cry, babygirl. I'm gonna be right here for you, so is Papa. We support you, sweetie. Don't let anyone demean your intelligence." Tony petted her hair as she thought about his words, her cries lessening, clinging to his neck the entire time.

"Okay. I'm smart and it's stupid of them not to see that. Okay." Tony smiled as he held her.

"Sounds right, babygirl. You want a snack?" He set her down and held her hand as they walked to the kitchen, where Bucky had just finished slicing apples. He blew a kiss to Tony and smiled at Morgan as she ran and hugged his leg.

"What's for snack, Papa?" She asked eagerly. Bucky picked her up and showed her the apple slices and cookies he had been setting out.

"Yay! Cookies!" Morgan cheered as Bucky set her down and pointed her to the table. He smiled at her and pecked Tony's cheek.

"She's so innocent. I hope she never has to grow up," Bucky said. Tony smiled sadly.

"We gotta hold on to this. It'll all be over in a while. Then she'll be in college. I can't think about that yet. Our babygirl, all grown up." Tears shone in Tony's eyes as he leaned against his boyfriend and watched his daughter eat her snack. Morgan looked up as Bucky wrapped his arm around Tony and she giggled.

"PDA! Uncle Clint said a couple touching is a Public Display of Affection and he doesn't like it." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Clint likes to be silly." Bucky chuckled and kissed Tony's cheek again. Tony leaned into him, opening his arms to Morgan at the same time. She jumped into him and he smiled as he held her.

"Your fake arm looks different. What'd you do to it while I was at school?" Morgan asked, touching Tony's arm lightly. He began to explain the addends and changes he'd made, happy that his daughter was happy.

Such trash. Very bad.

Explanation time: I have a headcanon that Thanos's line that the hardest choices require the strongest wills was not just a throwaway quote. Like the One Ring in Lord Of The Rings, the Infinity Gauntlet requires an extremely strong-willed person to wield it. Tony, the single most stubborn character in the MCU, should be able to wield it with no more ill effects than those of Frodo in Lord Of The Rings. Where Frodo lost a finger to the Ring, Tony lost a hand to the Gauntlet.

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