Stupid - tchalla x tony

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So i found out about this ship thanks to a friend and here goes nothing.

Tony looked over where T'Challa was sitting on the couch. The king of Wakanda was visiting and Tony thought he was really cute. Tony was also too nervous to tell him. Confidence was generally something Tony had a lot of, but not with feelings. However, T'Challa could probably see right through Tony's cool facade. Tony sighed and looked down at his hands.

"Are you alright, Mr. Stark?"

Oh. HES SPEAKING TO ME DOES HE LIKE ME AHHHHHH! His voice is freakin gorgeous.
Wait that's gay. I'm bi, not gay.

"Everything is fine, King T'Challa. Just a small fire. It happens more often than you'd expect." Tony smiled sheepishly as he batted at the flames on his arm. T'Challa made a small noise of amusement.

"Perhaps allow me to help you there, Mr. Stark." T'Challa grabbed a wet dishcloth and pressed it to Tony's arm. It made a sizzling noise similar to the noise Tony's blush would make. Then T'Challa easily spun Tony to face him.

"If it happens so often, it is stupid not to know how to put it out. Very similar to the flames of the heart." T'Challa winked and Tony internally screamed like all the fangirls are screaming on this accursed website. It was also similar to the scene from Inside Out where all the emotions run screaming when Riley smiles at the guy.

"Was, was that... flirting?" Tony stuttered.

"Was that not clear enough for a man who calls himself a playboy and a genius? Stupid, stupid, stupidly adorable." T'Challa smiled at Tony, who couldn't have said anything if he wanted to.

"Umm, ummm, erm..." T'Challa laughed softly.

"Don't deny you have a liking for me, Mr. Stark. I could tell from the way you looked at me. You are adorable, you know." Tony blushed even harder, burying his head in T'Challa's shoulder to avoid looking at him. T'Challa fought back a smile as he hugged the shorter man.

"Don't fuel my ego," Tony whispered into T'Challa's chest.

"Isn't that what boyfriends are for, stupid?" T'Challa said teasingly.

"I'm not stupid!"

"I know, but you're cute and your chances of kissing me are higher when you're angry."

"Frick." Tony looked up at T'Challa, who smiled softly. Tony suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips to T'Challa's warm ones. T'Challa smiled into the kiss and the two men swayed together. Crashing china interrupted them. Clint stared at the two, ignoring his coffee cup on the floor.

"Okay, new ship. You guys be cute, I need a photo for FandomWiki. Ship name..." Clint pondered to himself as he clicked a bunch of photos of Tony and T'Challa.

"ToneChalla? T'Tony sounds wrong... IVE GOT IT! BILLIONAIRES SQUARED!" Clint bounced around like the college students reading this at 2am after their fifth cup of coffee. Tony looked blankly at him.

"He is a shipper. I've heard they are dangerous. Shuri is only a mild one, but Clint scares me," T'Challa whispered. Tony's phone buzzed and he checked it.

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Tony looked over at Clint. "Really?"

"This pic alone has 50,000 views and I posted it two minutes ago! I'm Instagram famous!" Clint screeched like my brain begging for sleep at midnight on a school night.

"Stupid!" T'Challa quickly expressed his opinion.

"Don't call anyone but me that, sweetheart," Tony said softly. T'Challa smiled down at Tony.

"There are many stupids in the world, but you are my stupid."

"OKAY THATS GOING STRAIGHT TO MY TUMBLR BLOG!" Clint cried. They had forgotten he was there.

"OMG JOHN GREEN READ MY POST! AND T SWIFT!" Clint continued to jump around and scream, similar to what I did when I found out that the immortal John Green was on Tumblr. Tony ignored him, leaning into T'Challa.

"Is America's richest man so touch starved?" T'Challa smiled.

"Yes." Tony buried his head in T'Challa's chest.

"Then you get all my cuddles, my stupid." T'Challa picked up Tony and carried him to the couch to cuddle him.

Thanks for checking in I'm
Still a piece of


Have a good night.

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