Injured Souls (Frostiron)

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No this will not spoil Diamond.
It's just another thing I made cause I had the idea after listening to Impossible Year and reading seven different theories for different fandoms.
Tw for self harm.

Tony Stark hated himself.

Every inch of his arm had been lashed by a knife at some point.

His eyes were always glossy, never really focusing on anything.

Nobody else noticed this.

Sunglasses, so they can't tell where you're looking.

Long sleeves and suits, so they can't see your scars.

A showman's voice, so they can't hear you cry.

And a fake smile, so they can't guess your pain.

That's what it took.

That's what Tony whispered to himself every morning as he got ready to face people.

Those four lines were more deeply etched into him than any of his scars.

Tony thought they were foolproof.

But what's foolproof is not always a hindrance for the wise.

Tony woke up to shouts that morning.

Apparently, Loki had escaped and was feeling quite vengeful.

His plan was to destroy the Earth—unless the Avengers gave into his demand.

He wanted one Avenger to be given up by the others. One Avenger to die at his hand.

And really, when you thought about it as one person or the world, the Avengers had no other choice.

And so Tony woke to a debate about whether he or Bruce would get sacrificed.

"Banner will just Hulk out! He's said it himself, he can't die because of Hulk! Stark doesn't bring much to the team, we can afford to lose him!" Steve screamed. Tony blinked slowly.

Stark doesn't bring much to the team.

We can afford to lose him.

How correct.

"No we can't! We're in his house using his fortune! We literally cannot afford to lose him! I say we go up and battle Loki instead of giving him anyone." Natasha's voice was sharp.

Gold digger, thought Tony, even though he knew it wasn't Natasha's point.

"No! We'd all die!"

"We're really giving him exactly what he wants by fighting! He wants to rip this team apart!"

Tony stepped in between Natasha and Steve.

Steve was right.

Tony was useless, he'd be the first to say it.

"Steve's right, Nat. You can afford to lose me. I left my money and this building and its furniture to Bruce in my will, and the rest of it is being donated. You guys won't have to worry about an impulsive alcoholic or where his money is going anymore. Now, let's get this over with." Tony pretended his hands weren't shaking under his hoodie's long sleeves.

Stark doesn't bring much to the team. We can afford to lose him.

Other times, Tony would have laughed.

He would have joked about how Steve was a gold digger, only after him for his money.

But now, when he knew that was exactly the case?

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