Hurt (ThorxBruce)

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As requested by marvelandhamilton
A Thorbruce oneshot where Bruce is debating killing himself cause the baby has issues. Beware of the a n g s t and trigger warning for suicide and self hate.

Bruce glanced down at himself, hating every bit of what he saw. His pale skin had little stretch marks from de-hulking, which was coincidentally the same reason he was currently hanging over the toilet.

A small tear made its way down his face.

Why couldn't he be normal? Why did he have to be the idiot who backfired an experiment with the least harmful radiation? Why was he the one hosting a huge green monster?

He shook as another surge of bile left his mouth, the stinging acid taste staying.

The world hated him. He was the monster, really. It was his own fault he was like this. And suddenly Bruce realized he could end it.

If he died, nobody would exactly mourn him, would they?

If he died, nobody would care, would they?

They'd be thankful he was gone... thankful for the loss of the monster he was.

And really, could he blame them?

Bruce slowly stood up, legs shaking slightly. He pressed his hand against the wall, staggering out of the bathroom. He could feel another rush of stomach acid coming on, but he swallowed quickly, even though the stinging feeling was bad. He did not want to throw up on Tony's floor.

Bruce made his way up to the roof, shivering slightly. There wasn't much wind, but the twilight was cold. The setting sun illuminated the part of New York that had been destroyed by the Hulk just a few hours earlier. There was something tragically beautiful in the destruction.

Bruce closed his eyes, feeling the slight breeze on his face. He hated himself. The world hated him. It would be better off this way.

Bruce stepped onto the roof ledge, looking down and nearly vomiting again from the height. He blinked, shivering.

"Dr. Banner? Why are you up here?" Bruce closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. There is literally no worse time to have your crush standing behind you than when you are on the edge of a roof.

"Hi, Thor."

"Is something wrong?" Bruce heard Thor's footsteps as he walked closer.

"Thor, could you leave me alone for a few minutes?"

"Not if you're hurting. You're my friend, I don't like it when my friends are upset. Now, let's talk. What's wrong?" The word friend was a spear for so many reasons.

"Nothing! I'm fine, okay!" Bruce shouted, the words coming out louder and faster than he had intended. He wobbled on the ledge, worried that he might get angry.

"Bruce." Thor wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist, anchoring the smaller man to the roof.

"Thor, please."

"No, Bruce. I'm staying here until you step down. Let's talk, alright?" Bruce sighed, going limp in the god's arms. He felt deflated.

"Okay, Thor. What do you want to talk about?"

"Why are you up here? What makes you want to die?" Thor carefully picked up Bruce and carried him over to the middle of the roof, making it so he couldn't jump.

"Thor, have you not seen me? I'm a monster, Thor. I don't deserve life." Bruce sniffled, tears leaking down his face. Thor's eyes filled with tears of empathy as he looked at Bruce.

"Do not say that, Bruce. You're delightful. You're not a monster. Take a deep breath, you deserve life."

"Thor, I am a monster. Just look over that way, I destroyed all of that! How much more proof do you need!" Bruce gestured weakly.

"Your emotions do not make you, Bruce. Isn't there a science saying about the whole being more than the sum of its parts? That's you. You're so much more than you think. You're smart, you're talented, you're pretty, and you're a joy to be around." Thor ran one hand through Bruce's hair, smiling at him. Bruce blinked slowly, looking up at Thor.

"You... think I'm pretty?" Thor nodded serenely, toying with one of Bruce's curls. Bruce rested his head against Thor's chest, taking in the information.

Thor thought he was pretty. Thor really thought he was pretty. But did Thor ~like~ him? Bruce felt Thor's hand continue running through his hair and decided to ask.



"How do Asgardians court?"

"I suppose similarly to humans... we tell the person about how lovely they are and how much we love them... then ask for their hand in marriage..."

"Are you courting anyone?" Thor blushed.

"Not currently... why?"

"Just wondering."

"Would you court me?" Thor's question was fast and Bruce was unsure he'd heard correctly.


"Would you do me the great honor of allowing me to court you?" Thor slowly stepped back, meeting Bruce's eyes.

Bruce had felt way too many emotions in way too short a time, and Thor's question pushed him over the edge. He began to sob, nodding. Thor put his arms around Bruce, holding him close.

"Bruce. It's going to be alright. Bruce. Shhh." Thor's voice was quiet, his words calm. Bruce hid his face in the god's chest, smiling to himself. This was where he belonged, in the arms of the man he loved.

Thor kissed Bruce's forehead. "You're going to be alright, Bruce. Let's get you back to your room with some food, alright?" Bruce nodded, sticking close to Thor's side as they went back into the building.

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