| Chapter One

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"He's used to all this. He's been living a life many would kill to have. On his case, he didn't have to move a finger to get where he is now; his family took care of it."


"Brenda, schedule a meeting for Wednesday with the CEO of that company we talked about last week, will you?" Thomas asks in a rush as he bursts through the main corridors' doors that lead to his office.

"Yes, Sir." The short haired woman with dark brown eyes answers as she digs into her work once the order is completely taken.

"Siggy, there are three people waiting on the line to talk to me." He directs his speech to a man near his office, with chocolate skin and brown, sparkling eyes. "Tell them I'm occupied at the moment and that I'll call later."

"On my way, Sir." The man replies politely, proceeding to pick his phone up.

Nodding curtly after giving some more orders as he walks through the crowded section,  Thomas finally reaches his office, closing the wooden door behind him and immediately making a beeline for his own coffee machine he asked to be put on in there. He takes an espresso, sitting on his desk chair and carelessly putting his feet on top of the desk, leaning backwards on the chair.

He's used to all this. He's been living a life many would kill to have. On his case, he didn't have to move a finger to get where he is now; his family took care of it.

His life is everything a rich businessman like him would want. His company is on the spot for the third year in a row. He's got an enormous mansion, expensive clothes... He spends his free time going to parties, meeting new people; finding company to spend a night full of lust without much sleeping on the mix. He's used to all of this, and for as incredibly as it sounds, he sort of enjoys it.

But then again, Thomas hasn't known any different anyway.

He gets up only to pick his drink up from the machine, soon relaxing again on the chair after pulling his favorite chocolate bars out from a small container under his desk because why not?

Thomas takes his phone out from his dressing pants and he's quick to deal his friend's number. After three rings he picks up.

"Hey, Tommy. What's up, man?" A British voice is heard from the other side of the line.

"Hey, Newt. Are you guys still up for tonight?" Newt has been Thomas' friend ever since he can remember, the two meeting way back in elementary school, alongside Minho. They're all the same age, so the three usually spend time together and hang out when their jobs allow them to.

"Hell yeah!" Thomas can't help but chuckle upon hearing Minho's shriek from the other side, he's been listening in to the conversation, of course.

"All right, I'll see you guys in a few hours, I still need to go home to check on my Dad." Thomas murmurs, somehow uncaring. His father and him have never had a good connection. They're not best friends, and they're far of being just that. Thomas doesn't rely on him, even though he has no valid arguments to why he shouldn't. Or maybe he does, he just tries hard to forget.

"Sure, Tommy. We have all night."

"Yes, we have."

Thomas ends the call, throwing his phone on the desk and leaning back on the chair once again, feeling the warmth of the radiator warm his skin as the cold air of January is felt. He closes his eyes, resting for a few seconds before heading out of his office, not even bothering to bid farewell for the day to his employees.


Arriving his house, Thomas nods approvingly upon seeing the garden freshly cut, the flowers watered and mainly everything on place outside, since he asked his housemaid  to take care of it before he got home. He knows he can be slightly demanding at times, but that's just who he is.

Thomas opens the front door in a swift movement and greets his Dad, who's sitting comfortably on the couch, with a quick hello before rushing upstairs.

His weak voice stops him mid-action. "Thomas?" His father calls noncommittally.  Thomas turns around on his way up, giving a slight nod for him to continue. "May I know where you are going with such enthusiasm?"

Thomas takes his time answering. It's not like he enjoys lying to his father; it's not like he isn't proud of what he has become either; it's just that some part of Thomas wants his father to be proud of him, - like he has been ever since he became successful - and admitting that he's going to a party and get drunk with his friends won't look good on his father's eyes, he believes. Not that he fully cares, by the end of the day.

"I'm having a meeting in a while." He ends up answering, still standing midway up the row of stairs. "I probably won't be able to come home for the night, though, so don't count on me, okay?" And he climbs the rest of the stairs, closing the door behind him soundlessly as he enters his room.

On the living room, their housemaid comes back from the kitchen holding a silver tray with a teapot and a box with pills inside.

"Time for your medicine, Mr. Twombly." A girl with bright blue eyes reaches the grey haired man, smiling softly down at him sitting comfortably on the couch. She pours a small quantity of camomile tea on a tea cup before handing it to him.

"Oh Teresa, what would be left of me without you? I always forget about my medicine." The old man chuckles before taking a sip from his tea, taking his pills all the while. "And I've told you this before, you can call me Stuart."

"I don't think I'm able to do that, Sir." Because it has become natural for Teresa to treat someone superior than her that way. She's come from a poor, small family, with only she and her brother to help her mother when in times of need. Although she's been working for the Twombly's for some long years now, she's still not used to the rich way they deal with things, or how they exactly live with so much. She's still working on it, though.

"I know, I know... you're too humble to do such thing. Maybe that's why you fit here so perfectly."

Teresa gives him a sincere smile, excusing herself to continue her work at the kitchen, but not before hearing Mr. Twombly mutter something under his breath.

"Why isn't my son like that?"


Hello everyone!

So here it is, first chapter!!!

I can say I'm really proud of this work, and that I've been putting way more effort into it than I've put on the other works I've made, so I hope you enjoy this completely new thing done by me.

Feel free to leave your opinions and thank you so much for all your endless support 😊

Prepare yourselves for the rollercoaster ride, folks! 😂

Love you!❤️

The Flowers Within Our Reach ~ A Thomesa AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now