| Chapter Five

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"Something beautiful, perfect in a way that only Nature can pull out. Something as common as flowers."


"We will be running you some more exams, more precise ones, so that we can truly understand where your injuries stand at the moment." The doctor continues, eyes sympathetic. "There's still a possibility of your condition not being permanent, therefore I can promise you that I'll do anything on my will to help you if there is a chance you can walk again." She finishes reassuringly as she covers him up once again.

Thomas feels claustrophobic.

"I'll let you be for now." She eyes the father, who seems to be locked on his own head. She turns once again to Thomas. "Try to get some rest before we start with the exams."

The doctor excuses herself, closing the door silently behind her, leaving the two men alone inside the room, a heavy silence between them two.

Thomas can feel tears prickling on his eyes, making him feel so incredibly frustrated that he can't even bother to look at his father, who's still standing weakly by his side, eyes focused on the distance.

"Can you leave?" Thomas asks with a low voice, almost a murmur. "I need to be alone."

Stuart opens his mouth to respond, because leaving his son alone in such moment of fragility is the last thing he wants to do at the moment. However, he has no chance to speak before Thomas interjects him before he can do so.

"Dad, leave. Please." The young man rises his voice, anger coursing through his veins as he glances at his father. Upon seeing no movement from the side of his bed, he snaps. "I said leave! Just go!"

Stuart nods, defeated. He walks weakly to the door, holding the handle as he spares one final glance at his son, and noting how his eyes have seemed to lose all light, all life.
He would say something, but the expression on Thomas' face prevents him of doing so.

He leaves wordlessly.

Thomas is left alone, the sound of the beeping machine on his side the only indicator that he is indeed conscious and somewhat alive.

He's alone both physically and emotionally, because he's not sure he can handle this right now. His career is about to be destroyed, as well as his life and everything he's gained with it.

There's no one holding him to the ground, and for as much as it infuriates him, he doesn't want one. He doesn't want to hold anyone back from living their own lives for pity, nor does he want people to recognize him as the rich young man who suddenly can't even stand on his feet. He doesn't want that and he won't have that.

However, he feels too weak now, and his eyelids are starting to give up on him.

The tears eventually start falling down Thomas' amber eyes, down to his cheeks, and the last thing he feels is the salty taste of them on his mouth as the need to rest finally takes hold and sleep consumes him once again.


It's only one week later that Thomas finally comes home from the hospital.

They say it can be reversed. Eventhough the impact of the car pretty much brought several internal injuries and a broken elo on his spinal cord, there's still hope he might walk again. He'll have to work hard; harder than he thinks he'll be capable of working, and the physical therapy will be a constant on his daily life for the next months, not allowing him to give up even if he tried.

The Flowers Within Our Reach ~ A Thomesa AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now