| Chapter Four

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"He's terrified, extremely scared, and a huge feeling of anger floods through his blood. [...] He's angry at himself, and that's the worst feeling a human being can possibly feel."


"I took Mr. Twombly to the hospital today." Teresa speaks through her phone as she waters the plants mindlessly. "He asked me to drive him there so he could see Thomas."

"And?" Her best friend, Sonya, asks with perceptible indifference in her voice. Teresa has been friends with her ever since she can remember. They used to play alongside her brother for the majority of their free time many years ago, and the three still keep in touch often.

"He's stable, they say. He hasn't woken up yet, but his vitals seem fine for now."

"Well, I just hope really hard that he learns his lesson when he wakes up. If he wakes up." Sonya answers without hesitation, sounding much like someone who's clipping their nails as they speak about the latest celebrity incident while reading a magazine.

"Come on Sonya, don't say that... No one deserves something like this." Teresa retorts, coming inside the house to rest for some moments, taking notice that Mr. Twombly has already gone to his office to 'keep his mind off things' as he likes to call it. "Not even Thomas."

She hears a loud grunt coming from the other side of the line.

"Excuse me, what? Teresa, you're not listening to yourself, are you?" Sonya starts, indignant. "I'm sorry, but he's finally getting what he deserves. He's a spoiled, rich kid who gives zero fucks about anyone. He is in the place he is now because his family has a reputation to keep. He doesn't know how it feels to work all day long to have food on the table at night. He doesn't know that! Not to mention that he treats you like hell and you're still on his side! I sometimes don't get you, Teresa."

Sonya has never agreed to Teresa working to these two rich men. She's fine with Thomas' father, it seems, but Thomas himself... it's a different story. She can't see him, not even painted with the colors of the rainbow. For her, he's just a rude, arrogant guy who doesn't know what he wants for himself and his own future.

Growing up in a small town like she did when younger gave her the ability to find importance in small things. Not that she's against every rich person there exists; she just doesn't find Thomas a guy worthy of it all.

"I know all that and more but you know there's nothing I can do. I made a promise, Sonya. I'm not letting go of it." Teresa answers softly, already used to the outburst her best friend tends to have whenever Thomas comes into view.

Teresa hears a soft sigh from the other side, letting her know that Sonya understands.

"I know..." Sonya mumbles. "I know you do..."


He hears muffled sounds in the distance, distant voices that he can't quite recognize. It's cold, but he feels something covering his body and that somehow gives him an incredible feeling of comfort and warmth, so cozy that his slightly conscious brain wouldn't mind being completely unconscious for a little while longer.

He feels as if he's flying, a soft breeze of calmness touching his skin, his face, and Thomas is sure he's never felt so at peace as he feels now. Even the voices are soothing, relaxed, as if everything is all right.

The Flowers Within Our Reach ~ A Thomesa AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now