| Chapter Nine

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"At that short act of affection, Thomas could've sworn he felt slightly less broken just by having his father's arms around him.Physical therapy evolves several different activities, and neither of those give Thomas the slightest of hope of recuperation."

The doctors say he had been lucky; surviving such accident had been a miracle, for sure. However, Thomas still doesn't believe it.

He doesn't believe it and he knows the doctors are just saying it so that he can feel slightly better, but he doesn't. Not when he sees no progression during the two weeks of treatment that have already gone by.

By the end of the third, he's ready to mentalize himself that he will never leave that chair, period.

He continues to have those lighthearted conversations with Teresa almost every day, and to be completely honest, that's what had been keeping him from going absolutely insane. She just has that effect on him, like her good personality and positive ways of thinking somehow made him not give up.

Because even his Father has left him at some point.

Mr. Twombly had come down the stairs one day a few weeks prior, and he looked like he hadn't slept a fraction of an hour. He was weaker, his hands shook harder and his voice seemed low and full of emotion when he uttered those words to him.

"Thomas, I think it's better if I... if I go away."

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked, his voice slightly wavery as he straightened himself up on his chair when his father sat down next to him, on the couch.

"I'm getting weaker as the days go by, and I'm aware that I'm currently being a burden to you. I need you to fully recover, and for that I need Teresa to spend her full time watching you, making sure you're fine."

Thomas opened his mouth to object, but Stuart beat him to it. "And don't tell me you don't need it, because both of us know you do." He answered, reluctantly reaching out to take his son's left hand on his.

The only thing Thomas could do was eye him with narrowed eyes.

"So, I've been thinking... and I want to go to a retirement home. I've already signed the papers, so there's nothing you need to worry about." He said, eyes seeking for understanding from his son's part.

Thomas wanted to scream at him. He wanted to snap at him because he was leaving him again. He wanted to shout how bad of a Father he had turned out to be, but to be honest, he couldn't find strength in that moment to do so.

Because part of him understood where this all was coming from.

"You'll be in good hands, here with Teresa. And I want you to know that I'm sorry for anything I've ever done to you, for not being what you wanted me to be." His eyes started to get watery, and Thomas just whished in that moment that he could go upstairs and lock himself on his room, because seeing his father so devastated really pulled at his heart stings.

"So, I just hope you understand."

Thomas nodded a few moments later, and maybe it had been the emotion building on his chest, or the realization that this might as well be a goodbye, that he extended his arms towards his father, the way the two fell into an embrace long overdue.

At that short act of affection, Thomas could've sworn he felt slightly less broken just by having his father's arms around him.


The two fall into a routine a short time after Stuart leaves home.

Teresa had been shocked the moment he told her the news. Some part of her broke because she felt like the promise she has been so desperately trying to keep ever since that night she tries not to think about had been completely destroyed.

But right after, when Stuart stepped into the kitchen to bid goodbye to her one last time, he told her something that somehow filled her heart with comfort and... reassurance, a feeling of achievement.

"You remember me of a beautiful woman I once met. She had one of the kindest hearts on Earth, and she only wanted the best for people." He whispered. "You are just the same. Thank you for everything you've done for me, Teresa. I wouldn't trust anyone else taking care of my son but you. Thank you."

He had left right after, but his words still rang around her head for days after. Not the part he said how important she is, but yes his first words.

You remember me of a beautiful woman I once met.

To this day, Teresa doesn't know who he was referring to, but her heart keeps telling her a name she knew letter by letter, and it left her feeling better about his departure.


Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope you're staying safe and healthy 😊
Sorry for only posting now but this quarantine really made my motivation to write go 📉📉😂
However, I've been really invested on learning how to cook, which is nice because I couldn't cook to save my life 😂
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small chapter and I'll see you soon!
Thank you for all the support and always believe that everything will be alright because it will 🥰
I love you! ❤️

The Flowers Within Our Reach ~ A Thomesa AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now