PART I - Mr.Asshole

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The ambiance of the club is not exactly what she expected, still she crosses her legs swaying with the music and enjoying the songs from childhood. Songs mama used to play at bedtime, Neo-soul from the beginning of the millennium would always be the best kind in her mind. Here, nothing about it seemed dated to her, everyone here seemed fully alive, engaged and completely into it. Elle takes out her phone recording some of the performance to send a snipped to her mother who'd enjoy this but never come - especially not now. The song ends signalling the start of an intermission.

"So what do you think so far?" Kizzy asks.

Elle shrugs, "I don't know, its kind of amazing" she reasons still not completely sure what to make of the intimate event.

"Your kind of boring?" Kiz teases making Elle laugh. They'd been close as small children, that changed when Kiz moved away to live with her father.

"I'm telling you Elle this is half the gig and you're smoking so, it'll be even easier" Kiz winks sipping her pornstar martini. Theres not much else to say so Elle sips on her Armaretto Sour. The band returns to the stage free styling while people remove all the chairs creating an open dance floor. People flock there immediately. Elle gets out of the way finding a corner to observe the festivities from in amusement. She smiled watching all the folks getting down unapologetically while enjoying the live music. Half an hour passes before Elles phone vibrates signalling its time to get back to her apartment.

"You're leaving?" Kizzy asks over the music standing in confusion as Elle heads to the door.

"Yeah!" Elle nods tapping her watch to signal that its late. "It's epic, thanks for inviting me" Elle smiles giving her cousin a tight squeeze.

"Call me when you get in!" Kiz shouts over the music.

Outside, he street is that special gold-ish orange thats created by the amber streetlights during witching hour. Elle walks through the sleeping city heading up to her new apartment when she bumps into girls on their way out looking disheveled. She pivots letting them pass recalling it to be the third time she'd seen women leaving in a state of disarray. Elle offers the women a smile as she turns to head back up the stairs.

"You forgot your shit" A deep voice says making Elle to turn but the two girls beat her to it smiling at a coffee-coloured man in the dimly lit entrance way. He's shirtless and built like an adonis, his head is covered by a du-rag.

"Thanks" One of the women beams before Elle can make out his facial features. The man nods without reciprocating the woman's interest before shooting Elle a look that says mind your business. Elle shallows turning to continue up the stairs.


A huge package stands outside her door. Probably an extra large and extra large piece of furniture ordered online. The asshole man stops on her floor walking to the apartment across from Elle's on the east side, completely ignoring the huge package.

So much for chivalry.

Theres no use in even attempting to haul the box in; so she doesn't. A sigh or relief leaves her as she removes her pumps tossing them into the shoe closet. The city's glow radiates through the apartments sheer curtains, the AC blowing through the vents making her feel less alone in the new space. She turns looking around at her scantily furnished apartment. The couch is comfortable enough for her to plop onto while I she calls Kizzy.


"Yeah, how about you?" Elle asks.

"Avec un homme" Kiz says lowly making Elle laugh. "Don't worry I'll see if he has some fine friends to give you a change from those white boys ya mama says you be dating"

"I think a pimp or a playboy lives across the hall. More disheveled women" Elle laughs.

"Take a number"

"Kiz, you're drunk" Elle gags at the idea.


"I'm not much different sober" she laughs and I hear a man in the background. "Love you, bye" she says hanging up just like that.

Elle shakes her head, tucking her knees to her chest and looking outside at all the buildings before an incessant knocking starts. She stands tip-toeing stealthily to her peephole. Nothing is in her line of sight but the knocking continues.

"Aye! Aye B!" A man shouts continuing the banging. "Aye, aye, aye man please!" He continues banging. A thud stops the knocking instantly, groans follow and Elle watches as a man tumbles down the stairs.

"Don't come back around here with that shit, get on!" Another man shouts. Elle realizes its asshole from earlier when she seed him throw something down the stairs. Thats enough excitement for one night.


Elle sighed for the fifth time looking up at the oversized box; everyone she could think of in this city was too preoccupied to help. Shed even tried to move it herself but reconsidered quickly after having to put her entire body into it. It was an awkward size, too long for her wingspan and too tall. Not to mention it was hot as hell. Moving had taken everything out of her. She jogs downstairs to the laundry room to put in another load. First impressions were everything and she'd be meeting with new clients. New job, new city, new way of doing things. Kizzy had laughed at all of her business casual telling her to throw them away or aspire to wear them to executive meetings. Otherwise they wouldn't be needed, this city bustled culture and unapologetic culture. There was no need to submit to a 'greater authority' or be 'professional' to mitigate being misunderstood. Honestly, Elle didn't know what to make of all the blackness. Somehow it managed to feel like a culture shock. The door opens and señor asshole walks in like he owns the place. Elles eyes take inventory of him while folding her clothes. Tall, dark, handsome and aware of his good looks. In addition to having beautifully defined arms.

"This your shit" he asked back to her looking into a washer machine. Elle pretends not to hear, returning to reading on her phone. "Hey" he taps on the table. "Is that your shit in my washer?" He asks taking a step back. Elle looks him over completely dumbfounded. Men never addressed her with so little respect or consideration.

"Your washer?" She asks looking into his dark eyes and he raises his eyebrows.

"Thats what I said" he says in the same flat tone with an unamused expression.

"The others are full and there was no sign" she justifies and asshole shakes his head out of annoyance. He heads to another washer machine taking the contents out and throwing them in an empty hamper before emptying his bag of clothes into it.

"Now you know" he comments.

"Its a miracle I'm not being assaulted and thrown out" Elle comments sarcastically. Regret follows the moment he glares at her but she doesn't show it. Instead she swallows looking back at her phone.

"I got homegirls for that" he retorts making her eyes bulge.

What the hell?

A smirk plays on his lips; its barely noticeable as he nods in response to Elles expression. You heard me right is what his face says.

"I press changes" Elle defends and this time he full out smiles out of amusement revealing a set of straight pearly whites. If he wasn't such an asshole he could model for sure.

"I got bail money" he chuckles setting the washer to his preferences. Elle continues folding feeling vulnerable and stupid.

"Aye Princess, don't talk to anyone else like that. 'round here it'll get you popped in the mouth. Cops take their time." He says leaving with the same hostile arrogance he walked in with.


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