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"Elle!" Kizzy's voice says banging on the door. "Come on, it's jerk fest. Lets get you ready!" Kiz continues. Anywhere else she would have ran to the door as a courtesy to her neighbours but here theres no need. "Look at you, such a princess" Kiz laughs looking at Elle in her white robe and hair in a matching towel, both monogrammed with silver thread. She'd been like that since she was a child. Disney overload and too much time gawking at her GG's glamour. Kiz's upbringing was different though they were close as children. Her mom the lawyer and her father the sports star turned cultural museum curator.

"I don't like being called princess all of a sudden" Elle responds, shaking her head to rid herself of the Mr. Asshole memory and opting to share it with Kizzy.

"Sorry, excuse me, he did what?" Kizzy asks Elle with wide eyes. Elle had contemplated telling her hot headed cousins the truth. Ultimately, she decided she'd be honest - just in case Mr. Asshole was crazy enough to do more than talk to her crazy.

"Kiz, I wish I was exaggerating." Elle shrugs and Kizzy's eyes close - she bursts into laughter the complete opposite reaction than Elle had expected. She shakes her head as tears come to her eyes and she holds her stomach continuing to crack up.

Has she lost it?

"Kiz?" Elle reasons and the laughter subsides as Kiz turns to her cousin shaking her head.

"So we have this thing about outsiders. Every so often some brave person comes in, sometimes its curiosity, sometimes its investors paying people to feel the pulse of the city and infiltrate whats ours. Gentrify us, divide us more than we already are, cause problems. I'm not saying he doesn't have home girls or bail money but it sounds like a scare tactic to me" Kiz smiles and Elle sits back.

How fucking weird is this place?

It did make perfect sense, shed grown up around political figures and destabilization and inflation were two elements that successfully promoted gentrification and erasure. Everything here was visibly black owned and operated. Everything unapologetically black.

"I mean it makes sense, I guess" Elle shrugs not completely sure what to make of things yet.

"Why else would a straight man be rude instead of trying to get in your pants Ellie, come on."

"I don't know Kiz. But add him being an asshole in as well because he did toss a man down the stairs and he's gives off leave me alone vibes, he was even rude to the women. I'm not getting special treatment"

Kizz smiles at her cousins naiveté "You're always getting special treatment princess. GG Jillian wouldn't expect anything less from her girls"

The nostalgia of the past made things easier, there was distance and familiarity. They could be the versions of themselves that made them most happy around each other without judgement. Unlike everyone else Kizzy never pried.


The festival was everything to Elle, she couldn't stop smiling. It felt like summer at the family house, the music, the cooked food, the people dancing and having a good time. She couldn't remember the last time she laughed so much. Uncle Kell got plastered and her legs were sore from all the dancing. A woman with the look that accompanies leaving Mr. Assholes room passes her on her way out.


Every few days there seemed to be a new face mixed into his rotation of woman that clearly kept coming back to get screwed by a man with a bad attitude.

On cue Mr. Asshole himself emerges from the stairs below holding two laundry baskets. Elle had come to recognize dark denim a black tee and his gold chain as his uniform. She continued up the stairs without an acknowledgement reaching in her purse to get her keys before turning back to him.

"I'm not here to get the pulse of the city or change it by the way. In case thats what was fuelling your bad attitude" Elle comments. A knock at the front door interrupts her. They turn in unison before Mr. Asshole jogs down to give the person a look.

"Black, whats up" the man says respectfully. "I was coming to introduce myself to that lady but if she's yours-" Black shuts the door in the mans face before he can continue, showing off his glowing personality. The man takes it as his cue to leave and Elle turns continuing up the stairs with her keys in hand.

"That was nice of you" Elle comments sarcastically.

"It's a scam, lip service leads to you coming home to an empty apartment. Whole neighbourhood sees the deliveries, your movers talk a lot too" Black comments making her feel stupid again with his unimpressed expression and exasperation.

He thinks I'm an idiot.

"Thanks for caring" Elle gives an amused and dismissive smile to get under his skin. It works.

"Don't feel special. You call the cops, and it's in my interest to keep them out of here. Your shit is fine" he points to her apartment before pushing the door open to his.

"Then I'm lucky to have you here" she smiles killing him with kindness and he smirks shaking his head.

"Tell whoever told you about pulse that you need a bodyguard or a babysitter cause your attitude is going to get you in trouble." Black comments leaning in his doorway and looking her over. He seemed most alien of all to Elle. He's handsome, doing well enough for himself has women and respect - why's he so mean?

"Anything else?" She asks with a nice nasty tone - he smiles again. Its perfect as he shakes his head.

"Nah, you're crazy. You'll be just fine" he comments.

Elle nods the animosity slightly lessened between them. "Goodnight.." She trails wanting a name.

"People 'round here call be Black. Satisfactory Elle Blake?" He says giving her goosebumps as he leans in the doorway with he same cool expression. Her surprise gives him some satisfaction. "This is my world sweetheart" he patronizes.

"Hmm" Elle smiles. "Never cared enough to look you up" she comments turning the tables and heading into her apartment. Honestly, she didn't hate him. Elle could tell he was dangerous but she also knew he wasn't the kind of loose cannon maniac that she needed to actively fear. He'd fuck with her but he wouldn't physically harm her - especially just because of her smart mouth. No matter how prissy anyone thought she was - Elle Blake would never be anyones bitch.


Elle couldn't be sure about what she was hearing. Flipping up her sleep back and removing her ear plugs the sounds only grew louder. A fire alarm and knocking at her door.


"I'm up, I'm coming" she shouts grabbing her most prized possessions and pulling on her robe locking her door and running out in her house shoes.

"Fuck" she muttered once she was outside and could see the firefighters and made a mental checklist of all the things that were still inside. The air tastes like ask and everyone is looking upwards at the house spouting water. Elle texts Kizz to let her know she's alright even though its three in the morning.

"Everyone is out safe" A man says by the looks of him he's the super.

"The structural engineer won't be in for another two hours" A firefighter says and Elle groans looking around at the people around her who have found spots to get comfortable.

"Busses are on their way to keep them comfortable" another firefighter says as Elle surveys the crows finding Black in no time at all.

"Hey, wheres the nearest safe hotel?" She asks holding her bag. "I'd love to do the back and forth thing with you right now but I'm a raging bitch if I don't get enough sleep." She sighs.

"Why hotel?" He asks more alert.

"Heard they have to wait for the okay from the structural engineer and it'll take two hours" Elle reasons.

"Fuck outta here" Black says heading towards the super. "Wheres the damage?" He asks.

"Kitchen on the eight floor" the super says and Black gives Elle a look that says fuck this heading back inside the apartment. She follows and no one stops them.

I guess the bad attitude ain't so bad.

Is her last conscious thought before she falls back to sleep.

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