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Nothing had gone as planned today, nothing at all. Jean one of liquor connects came by to talk shit, smoke and keep Tre in the loop about what would be going on within the next few weeks before he could get some from Elle. He's showed her something no one alive knew about because Jean was a dirtbag - though they were 'friends' he prided himself in never giving anyone a weakness to exploit. Elle had enough shit going on in her own life - she didn't need to be in the middle of that. At the end of his visit he smiled.

"I know you like bitches but don't go to the museum event tonight" Jean smiled.

"Why not?" Tre had asked casually.

"Owner has a gambling debt that hasn't been paid. It's not going to go well - got some pictures of him doing shit married men shouldn't do to show his bitch of a wife" he laughed before leaving. Leaving Tre with a bad taste in his mouth.

He didn't have Elle's number or know where she was. He knew how the casino bosses worked. They'd collect by any means necessary. It could be starting a fire and then collecting all the insurance money or ruining your place of business to force your hand out of fear. Traffic on a Friday night was working his last nerve as he flipped through the forms trying to find Elles number. He finds it sitting at a red and dials the number.

"Pick up" he shape only to hear the machine before calling again hastily.

"Fuck man pick up!" He shouts only to hear music in the background.

"Elle, Elle its Tre listen" he shouts.

"Tre?" She asks sounding tipsy.

"Elle get out of the museum now, don't ask questions just get out and get anyone you care about out - act normal" he shouts going against all his street codes. Silence is all he hears on the other end before he hears gunshots and screams.

There's nothing else from Elle so he cuts on the news slowing down as cops face to the scene. There are firetrucks, ambulances and the media with no sign of Elle. He tries but all the calls go to voicemail. He feels his stomach drop with worry for the first time in a long time.

Keep calm.

He reasons deciding to drive to the hospital despite it going to be crawling with cops. He sits listening to hear one person was pronounced dead at the scene and five are critical with a few with minor cuts and bruising.

His phone rings showing Elles number.

"Elle?" He questions.

"Where are you?" Her voice calls.

"Civic hospital parking lot, are you okay?"

She sniffles and theres a pause.

"I don't see your car turn on the lights" Tre does as he's told before he sees her coming and gets out. He goes to hug her but she stops him.

"What was that and how did you know?" She cries.

"Your uncle has a gambling debt, one of my associates told me not to go tonight. As soon as I found out I tried to warn you - but I didn't have your number?"

Elle looks broken as she sniffles again with glossy eyes streaming tears.

"Why would Kell gamble?"

"I don't know, I'm not in that business"

"Tre, I can't do this." She whispers wiping her eyes and taking a breath as the ugly cry begins. She tries to quell the emotions holding her face and trying to keep it together.

"I should be with my family Tre, the whole reason I came was to get away from shady business. Thats your world." She shrugs getting his keys and handing them to him.

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