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It was happening again; the bad dreaming. It was the third night in a row Tre awoke in a cold sweat panicked and breathing heavy. Taking a deep breath to slow his heart rate he stands only to be startled by the sound of thunder.

Get it together he tells himself looking out the window. The street below him is asleep and devoid of any movement aside from the rain that keeps falling. Its settling as he sits on the edge of the bed having a glass of water.

He knew his options very well. Go for a walk or workout. Those were the only things that helped at times like this. But the rain and his exhaustion made both options equally unfavourable. A knock at his door takes him out of his thoughts.

3:14am the clock reads.

He swallows heading to the door slowly and turning on his security monitor to see who it is. Elle stands outside with her hair piled into a messy bun and silk pj's. He opens the door before she can knock again.

"Can't sleep, I've been trying for two hours but the storm won't let up" she reasons. He'd come to learn one thing about Elle in the time of her being his neighbour. She'd always be direct and say exactly what she wanted. Her word was good too. It'd been two weeks since the hotel and she'd left him alone, left his washer alone and been occupied by her work. Now here she was two weeks later needing to sleep. Tre couldn't be mad - it was some shit he'd do. Fuck a bitch and not call again until he needed a re-up. He steps aside allowing her to come in before locking up.

"This way" he says in a sleepy voice when she makes no efforts to explore his apartment like women usually do. She doesn't make an effort to look at anything she just follows making him feel more at ease.

"Where all the sinning happens" she mumbles with a small smile. "Which side?" She asks and he points to the left letting her get comfortable first before he lays down. Worry washes over him when he feels her breathing and heart rate slow. Last thing he ever wanted was to wake up panting and panicked with a woman next to him. It's why he never let them stay the night, why he liked to go so hard during the day so the exhaustion would ensure a good sleep at night. "It's freezing in here do you have more blankets?" Elle snaps him out of his daze.

"One sec" he gets up pulling down a heavier one from the closet. He'd cranked up the AC to stop himself from sweating initiatively and cool down.

"Thanks" she says getting cozy until she feels his energy change again. A flash of lightening strikes before terrible thunder startles her. "Tomorrows a big day at the museum and I'm going to look like shit because ... well, nature" she groans.

"Stop being dramatic. Bitchy maybe. Look like shit? Nah" he comments serving a back handed compliment.

"I guess thats sweet, for you. So I'll take it without making a smart remark" she reasons closing her eyes only for thunder to rumble again. "For fuck sake" Elle groans completely exhausted and seconds away from losing it.

"You owe me for this" Tre mumbles in response pulling her to him.

"Ok" she agrees taking his hand and pulling it around her. He tightens the hold instinctively getting comfortable on the pillow. He'd never done this before - been the big spoon or even cuddled anyone. But he felt his heart-rate slowing to match hers, his arms hold her tighter as his heavy eyelids shut.

The sun streams in bright making Elle stir. Her eyes opening slowly in response to the overbearing sunlight. Their position vastly different from how they started last night. Her head was on his chest as he slept on his back mouth slightly ajar and lips looking soft - begging to be kissed. She couldn't help but smile at how different he looked asleep. She'd take a picture if it wasn't sure to piss him right off. His arm still around her waist protectively and holding her at his side. She runs her hand up his cut abs and his eyes flutter open. He lets go instinctively pointing in the direction of his ensuite.

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