The Love Note..

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(Claude's POV)

I laid in my bed as the events from yesterday came to mind...(Y/N) kept showing up in my dreams last night which made it even more weird. I sighed and jumped out of bed, walking out of my room fully dressed for class.

As I was walking Eldegard saw me and waved running after me, "Hi Claude." She said with a smile I smiled at her, "Hi Eldegard." We both talked about how our classes were going as we walked to our classrooms. As I waved good bye to Eldegard I noticed that (Y/N) was looking around the courtyard as if she was looking for something, "(Y/N)!" I called getting her attention.

"Hello Claude.." she looked away from me and back at the courtyard, "Are you looking for something?"  I asked her. She didn't seem to have heard me so I repeated what I said but louder.

"O-Oh..well I was actually looking for a man named Carmen." I looked at her with confusion, "Why are you looking for him?" (Y/N) turned a  right pink as she handed me a letter. I grabbed it from her and began to read it,

*Dear (Y/N)-Sensei,

I just wanted to tell you that I..have feelings for you. I know it's wrong but I though I should let you know..


I coughed as I read the last part, (Y/N) snatched the note out of my hand and her face grew an even more lighter pink. "Well..there you go that's why I'm looking for him." 

"A GOD DAMN LOVE NOTE!?" I screamed, (Y/N) covered my mouth to try and stop me from making anymore noises. "CLAUDE! Relax okay, that's why I didn't want to tell anyone," 

But I wasn't listening to her, this sudden..anger boiled inside me when I read the note. Who was this Carmen, why did he have feelings for (Y/N) anyway!? I've never seen or heard of him before, and he's not even in our class so that's even more worse. HA, acting like he knows (Y/N) so well to give her a love note..

(Y/N) sighed and let her hand off my mouth, and at that very moment I grabbed it and locked it with mine and looked her dead in the eyes. "Don't tell me that you actually like this Carmen dude." I said as I tightened my grip on her, but what was this feeling..this anger and greed?

"No of course I don't! Why would I like someone I've never seen or heard of before?" She gave me and irritated look, I growled a little as I let her hand go. "Teh, whatever good luck finding him." I said and walked off to class. I continued to growl angrily all the way to class..


( (Y/N) POV )

I walked along the dorms as I tried to look for the Carmen dude, I had no idea what he looked like but I was sure if he saw me he would either run or blush or something embarrassing. 

I sighed as Claude came to mind, he ignored me the entire class time and didn't even bother talking or looking my way. Sothis told me to just let him go kinda hurt a little. As I was walking near the green house I noticed a man staring at me I looked in his direction and he blushed, found him.

I ran over to him as he tried to run away but I blocked him off, "Are you Carmen?" I asked looking at him dead in the eye's he actually looked attractive. His blond hair was perfectly brushed, his green eyes were filled with worry, his body was toned..

"Y-yeah that's me," I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, "Well you better have a good explanation for that love note I found earlier this morning." He nodded and gluped, "well..I like you Sensei and thats because your beautiful and perfect. I've been wanting to switch to your class but my professor is too strict to say yes so I never did. I also didn't expect you to know me because..well I work in the infirmary instead of the battlefield like everyone else..but I truly love you..and thats all I can say."

He then grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, "Sensei..I want you to like me too.." I felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster, his grip got tighter on me. "Sensei..I,-" but before he could finish another hand grabbed me and pulled me back away from Carmen. I turned around to see Claude his expression an angry one, 

"So..your Carmen huh?"


(HI so ummm yeah this is it and I'm sorry if it's too short😅but I hoped you enjoyed it and feel free to comment on it as well and I will see you next chapter😄😄)

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