The Kiss..

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( (Y/N) POV ) 

Yesterday..why..why couldn't it leave my head..

I mean the being captured and almost killed should've been the things that hunted me....but it wasn't. It was when Claude..kissed me..that has been haunting me..

His lips felt warm..and his smile was so..captivating. That moment has been haunting me for the whole day yesterday as well as this morning. I began walking to class when I saw Claude walking down the hall with Hilda beside him. He turned to me and I immediately turned around and walked in the other direction, I didn't want to see him right now..cause if I did I might..

I shook away the thought as I was about to make a turn till I bumped into Hanneman-Sensei. "H-Hanneman?! I am so sorry." He chuckled and smiled at me, "It's alright (Y/N)." He looked at me with a curious expression, "Are you alright? You look kinda...uncomfortable." I laughed and tried to plaster a fake smile on my face.

"No I'm good just tired from yesterday's events that's all." He nodded and waved goodbye to me as I continued my walk. I watched my surroundings so that history wouldn't repeats itself, after awhile I finally made it to my classroom.

I looked ahead to see Claude talking with Hilda, he turned to me and was about to tell me something but I quickly avoided him and walked up to the front of the class avoiding his gaze. "Okay class..let us begin our lesson for today."

I smiled trying not to look at Claude...


(Claude's POV)

As class ended (Y/N) quickly ran out of class ignoring me the whole time. I didn't know why but...she seemed different. I couldn't remember what it was that made her this way..but for some reason my heart felt..hurt.

"CLAUDE! Can you hear me?" I instantly snapped back in reality, "H-Huh?!" 

"Claude what is the matter with you? You're acting..weird."

I smiled, "Nothing..I am absolutely fine." she glared at me, "Oh really. Then why do you have that fake smile on your face?" I sighed and scratched the back of my head, " know me too well." she sighed, "So then..what's your problem?"

"I...I just wanted to know why (Y/N) is avoiding me." Hilda shrugged, "I don't know, but I did notice that she was though..during the lesson she didn't even try to look your way. Even after you saved must've did something wrong."

"HA! No I didn't even-," but then I stopped, after I saved her..I kissed her..crap.

Hilda began to laugh, "So you did do something." 

"Shut up, I gotta go somewhere." I then ran in the direction that (Y/N) did after class. I looked around but I couldn't find her anywhere, I asked a few guards on the way if they saw her but they all shook their heads.

I stopped near a bench under a tree, I can't find her..anywhere. I was about to sit down till something caught my eye, (Y/N)'s shiny (H/C) hair was blowing in the wind around the corner. I slowly walked over to the spot where I saw her, then there she was sitting on a bench with her face in her hands.

"(Y/N)?" I asked she jumped at the sound of my voice, she turned around with a frightened expression on her face. "O-Oh..hello Claude.." she said and stood up. "Sorry I have somewhere to go, did you need something?"

I didn't answer though..I just stared at her...and her frightened expression. "W-Well then I guess I should take my-,"

"Hold on," I said making her stop dead in her tracks.

"I think I know why you're acting this way...why didn't you just tell me."

" don't know why i'm like this..I am sure you don't."

"It's because I kissed you, right?" she stopped breathing, she then began to cry. "I'm sorry...I just felt uncomfortable around you after that..."

I walked over to her and grabbed her hands, "I'm's all my fault..I should never have done such a selfish thing to you." She then began to cry harder as she brought her face into my chest.

"No..i'm sorry I ignored you over something as stupid as that.." I shook my head, "No it is MY fault." We then began to get into an argument on who's fault it was. Then all of a sudden (Y/N) laughed, "This is so stupid." I smiled at her, "Of course it is."

Then there was a long moment of silence before I slowly pushed her away from me I looked her in the eyes. "(Y/N)..can I tell you something?" She nodded her eyes scared but excited. I knew I had to tell I truly felt..even though I doubted it at first I knew that now it was true...

"(Y/N)...I like you.." she just continued to stare at me, I then felt as if she thought I was weird or something until she pulled me into a long soft kiss. When we parted she smiled at me,"I hate to admit it..but me too."

I smiled and kissed her back,feeling the best that I have ever felt in my entire life..


(Sup guys sorry that this took awhile to do. I'm glad that people are reading my makes me feel happy. BYEEE)   

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