Lady Rhea's Secret & The Couple's Surprise..

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(Claude's POV)

I grabbed (Y/N) and brought her close to my chest, it's been a whole week sense she got captured and I didn't plan on letting her go anywhere without me anymore....well except maybe the restroom.

"Claude, do you think that I should make Hilda and Lorenz work together in the next battle?" (Y/N) asked. I brought my head to her shoulder, "Sure I guess...they seem to be the two that need to work the hardest." (Y/N) nodded and turned to face me, "Okay so how many people know that were a thing?" she asked.

I sighed and turned on my back to look up at the ceiling, "Well...Hilda knows...and....I think Lady Reha-," then I stopped as the words that the man said a week ago came to mind...

"....Lady Reha is nothing but a lie...."

I shivered and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, she must've sensed my uneasiness because she kissed me on the forehead and stared at me in the eyes. "Claude....I know what you're probably thinking..but I'm sure that Lady Reha would've acted by now..." I sighed and nodded slowly. (Y/N) smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Just relax Claude, I'm sure that nothing is going to happen." I nodded as (Y/N) closed her eyes and fell asleep. I began to close my eyes until I noticed someone standing by the doorway...I opened my eyes to see on one there.  I sighed and closed my eyes trying not to think about anything....

(3rd Person's POV)

Claude closed his eyes unaware of the person standing in the hallway, Lady Reha sighed as she walked up to (Y/N) with a grin. "Now, let me see." she slowly grabbed (Y/N)'s hair and smiled. She tugged on the hair holding it tightly in her hands. 

She chuckled and slowly walked out of the room holding the piece of hair in her hands, "Now...let's see what I can do with this." she laughed as the moonlight shinned on her light green hair...


(Claude's POV)

I rolled to my side and opened my eyes, (Y/N) wasn't there like she should've been. I looked around to notice that the restroom door was wide open. "(Y/N)?" I asked walking towards the door. I looked in to see (Y/N) facing in the toilet bowl, she turned to me and was about to say something before she began to puke again.

I ran over to her and rubbed her back slowly, "I'm sorry Claude..I..I don't know what's wrong." I helped her up and looked at her face. She had shadows under her eyes and her lips were dry, "Don't worry (Y/N) let's go and see Manuela for help." she nodded and we began to walk out of the room and into the hallway.

Running past the gazes and stares we finally made it to Manuela's office. "Manuela-Sensei?!" I looked around the room to see her walking towards us she looked very confused at the sight of me and (Y/N) in the same spot. "What's the matter?" she asked looking back and forth between me and (Y/N). "Something is wrong with (Y/N), could you please check her?" Manuela nodded and took (Y/N) out of my grasp. "You wait outside Claude, I'll come and tell you if something is wrong." I nodded and left the room. I looked around and sat down at the nearest bench near me. I began to look around trying to take my mind off of (Y/N). 

After what seemed like forever Manuela-Sensei came outside and began to walk over to me, I stood up scared of the answer. "S-so? What's wrong with-OUCH!?" I yelped in pain as Manuela-Sensei smacked me hard on the head. "W-what did I do?!" I yelped.

"Good news is that she doesn't have any sickness....the bad news is," she grumbled a little before saying, "you're going to become a father." 

I didn't think I heard the last part right, "Wait what?" I asked confused, Manuela-Sensei grumbled. She wrapped her arms around her chest and said in an irritated tone, "Claude, (Y/N) is pregnant...with your child." my hear froze as she said those words again. "HUH!?" I yelled in confusion, I looked at Manuela-Sensei who didn't look like she was joking at all.

I sat back down on the bench and put my head in my hands....I'm going to be...a father?!


(So yeah, sorry that this one was a little late but I yeah. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all have a good day! BYE!! >///<)

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